Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

The kind of love that I want

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Three days ago, I meet some office mates from our previous team and they told me that one of our friend got married. I have this little regret that I didn't spend much time with her because reasons that I am ashamed to admit. They are telling tales about how blissful and enjoyable the wedding is, and a bit piece of information regarding the groom. I told them that I like their pre-nup teasers, that they said was a work of the groom.

After I got home, I immediately check that friend's facebook (Stalker much >.<) and saw some wedding pictures that I truly adore. If there is one event that I really look forward seeing the pictures, its the Wedding day. I really love how each shot freeze the happiness that the couple feels, it's something that you would want to look again and again when you grow old.( Yeah, I am a hopeless romantic)

Today, when I was checking my facebook, my eyes suddenly notice that wedding pictures that the groom posted with these message:

"11 years of love and struggles and still here we are. It has been 9 years since I had my accident, you came rushing all the way from Baguio to the hospital. You chose to sacrifice your studies for a semester and transferred to Manila, just to stay by my side and lifted me when I was at the lowest point of my life and about to surrender. I’m truly blessed by the Lord to have you in my life. You’re the reason why I keep on fighting, defying all the limitations that the doctors and their medical books told me. My life is worth living after all, because I have you where I can draw strength from. Indeed, we’re fighting a happy battle, a happy battle to be fought till the end. And whatever lies ahead of us, no worries, for He’s there to guide and help us!
I love you so much because beyond all my imperfections, you still see me PERFECTLY!"

Reading it and looking at the almost silhouette pictures of them, I suddenly wish that I hope someday I will find a man who will help and build me. Someone who will stay with me through up and down. I been reading so many romance novel and watched numerous chick flicks, and I always wanted to have those kind of love but I know at the back of my head, I still wonder if that kind of love exists.Now that I know a couple who really face struggles together, stays through thick and thin on their bumpy roads, my perception of what kind of love  that I wanted to have changed.I want a love that will last like this, a love that I know whatever the future may bring, I will wake up in the morning with his face and gave me an assurance that everything will be okay.

I envy them, for someone like me who wanted to experience love because I think I am not normal and just for the sake of experience, I am ashamed of myself actually. I saw love like what usual people see, a comfort zone, a place where I should go in order for me to said that I am not alone. 

I don't think I can wish that their love will last because looking at them, I will wonder if they wont. I think everyone already wishes the best of everything for them, so I will just say Thank You. I know it will only be a bean like chance that you will read this post, and I hope if that happens, it's okay that I share what you're groom said. I wanted to Thank you because you guys because you doesnt really know how much you affect my new definition of love.

Best Wishes Guys!:) Long Live for Happiness!

Credit to Gif Owner:)
And yeah, I do love Hana Yori Dango so Much, and I love Mao & Jun much more.

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