Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

The Path I know

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A/N: im sleepy but my crazy mind wander again and create this childish poem :) :P haha Night Night! *I promised myself to sleep before one and it starts today! wish me luck*

there is a path i know
they say its different from everyone
so i guess mine's is different from yours,

I cant say its straight,
i cant say its curve,
I cant see a patern,
its crazy but looks funny,

i look behind and saw some marks,
i even saw small bridges,
that's connected to another path,
but it looks like forgotten from the past.

i look ahead but the path seem to end where i stand,
its scary and funny at the same time,
its scary to see the end in front of me,
its funny because excitement fills me.

I took some baby steps,
trying to figure out its mystery,
i feel amaze on how every step i make,
this path continues to follow me.

PS: Orange is officially one of my favorite color!:) (so so random)

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