Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

Are you still connected with God?

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Have you known anyone nowadays that doesn't have a mobile phone?
I am guessing the answer is no, except for those who really can't afford it, but that is a miniscule percentage. 
If we will look around us, you will notice that almost everyone has their own mobile devices, sometimes more. Gone are the days when letters are the cheapest way of communication. 

Have you known anyone that doesn't use any messaging application?
I am guessing the answer is no as well. Be it on facebookwechat, hangout, viberkakao talk and other messaging app, one way or another, you have used it, your family and friends used it.

Have you tried not answering a text, personal or direct message? What is the reaction you got from the other line?
I am sure that you have received a litany of messages asking why are you not replying, or heard a couple of soft blows that almost everywhere there is a free internet, and it will only take few time to reply.

In these days, not answering someones call, or sending back any message is considered rude, or hurtful. 
I remember one of the lessons I learned at work is, always communicate with the customers, an open communication will make the client feel at ease.
In a relationship, a constant communication is required, and a day of not communicating, will create a day of fighting.

You see, these days, we are in this phase where we all need to stay connected, to be socialized, to get informed; we are in this bubble of communication that not replying is a form of social rejection unless you have a very valid reason.

Looking at this, have we ever asked our self how about our relationship with God?
Is it as healthy as our mobile device signal? 
Or as strong as our mobile internet connection?
Did we care for it the way we care for our mobile handset?
Did we ever try to open our line with him the way we ensure that our line is open for any message from family, friends and work? 
Did we allot a small fraction of our time to talk to him, to thank him the same we allot a fraction of our time to make a group text, or login to our favorite social media site? 
Did we try to reconnect our line with him the way we constantly reconnect with our mobile connection?

We are too clouded by these human longing to stay social that we forgot that above everything else, there is one connection that we need to be connected. No, I am not saying don't get connected or stop using the, but always remember that there is one relationship that we should cherish the way we do with our friends. 

And that relationship is a relationship with our God, the creator and heavenly father, and his son, Jesus Christ.

And how will we stay connected with him?

The answer is simple.


Find a quiet place and pray with your heart's content.
Pray the same way you talk to your friends about your dreams and hardships.
Pray the same way you connect with your friend, sometimes short & concise, sometimes long and full of rambling.
Pray the same way you wanted to get connected, by listening and sharing your opinions.
Pray when you feel you feel worthy, and pray when your full of doubt,
Pray when you feel blessed and thankful, and pray when you feel down and full of insecurity.

And I promise you, a prayer a day will make you, and the one who truly loves you happy.

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