Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

Ten Years ago

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I cant sleep if it is new (doh) so i decided to create another random blog entry for my multiply and livejournal :D Yay!

Lately, I'm into watching Korean Drama, as in everyday i watched 2-3 movies before i help in chores here. While digging some korean drama's i realized how much time flew, year 2000 is a decade ago, and looking at some movie poster that encounter, I smiled and went to some vivid recollections before the year 2000 came.

11 years ago,1999, I was in third grade and pre-occupied about my first report in front of the class without being shy and having an audible voice. I remember my teacher randomly ask student who will report in front of the class and lucky, i got picked when i was silently praying that she will not call my name, but i guess Papa God didnt hear it. I report about Hindu with a visuals of manila papers. I didnt recall how nervous i am, but i know i practiced a lot before my report.

11 years ago, i was busy memorizing the multiplication table and always raise my hands when it was time to recite multiplication by 5 :D. I was playing spirit of the coin with my classmates when Mrs. De Vera wasn't around. I was wondering why my sitmate Lester always tease me and mess my hair, but he's kind, he always do what i told him to do. :) 

During my third grade in elementary, i used to be afraid of my home room because there were news that a white lady was seen at night on our classroom. I always hear stories about our school being an old cemetery and outside was an old hospital being demolished because of oldness and decided to be reconstructed as an elementary school. There was even a rumor that on the girls cr, when your alone, a hunchback man will appear, so i never go to rest room alone.

I will never forget this year because its the first time i had a fight with my first best friend named Ma. Ethel Caasim if I am not mistaken. ( I dont know where she is now because she transferred school when we were in fifth grade) I dont recall the reason why we had a one-hour, one day, not talking fight, but I remember it was a thursday. Talk about being childish, we didnt talk yet we passed paper with each other through our row mates just saying we would never talk to each other, after an hour we talk while copying notes from the black board as if nothing happened. 

Another unforgettable memory of my 1999 was about my brother and how much he despise going to school without being watched by one of our parents. He was a grade one student and his classroom was across mine, so i can see him because i seat near the window. He was crying out loud because he saw our father leaving, he was really crying hysterically that i saw three teachers asking him to stop crying. (Some Grade One pupils and their crying syndrome sometimes makes me wonder why, because I always told my parents even when i was in kinder garden that they can go home and fetch me after the class) To make the story short, my brother saw me and he run to my classroom. He stop crying and behave so good, but that whole day, he sat beside me while I was taking my class. My home room teacher told me secretly that she will not allow me to go to class if my brother will sit in. I told our parents about that and they laugh at what happen.

Though I had lot of stories about 1999, this is what i always remember before everyone welcome the new decade, the year of the dragon 2000. I was watching Knowledge Power hosted by Ernie Barong, and that episode talked about the prediction made by the scientist that 2000 is the end of the world. I was afraid, really afraid that i cant forget that news. That year also I accept that there will be death for everyone, and i should prepare myself for that day because i dont know when it will come. It maybe sound stupid or weird for an eight year old girl accepting the fact that she will die, but honestly it really helps me. I am afraid about end of the world, and afraid that it will come during my time living here, but everybody is afraid, of course every one will be. That time, i realized the power of positive thinking, though there is a possibility for the end of the world, its just a prediction, and i will spend quality time with my love one on 2000.

Ten Years ago, I am still alive, and 2000 wasnt the end of the world. I experienced going to college and soon will find my own job. I am no longer the eight year old kid, i am an eighteen year old teen spending quality time with the person i love. Its funny how time flew. It's been 10 years ago from being an eight and soon i will turn nineteen, my life for the past years pass like a wind, so fast. 

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