Notes from a Plain Jane

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Let's play a game,its called Name Game!

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If you are now humming and will start Shirley! 
Shirley, Shirley bo Birley Bonana fanna fo Firley 
Fee fy mo Mirley, Shirley!
I am sorry  but we I won't be singing Shirley Ellis Name Game even though I wanted to but it's better that way (Trust me, music and I are not good together, but If you want to listen to it here), instead I will share the story of my name, the different pet names that my friends calls me and how I can tell our level of friendship. 
If you are wondering what the heck Shirley's name game got to do with it, can't you see? It's all about Names! and this is the first thing that really came to my mind whenever someone ask about names. I really wanted to sing it immediately when someone ask What's your name? ^^

My parents baptized me with the name Ellen Jane, it's doesn't have deeper meaning or they get it from what every books, they just named me that way because Ellen came from Evangeline and Jane is from Juan. Evangeline and Juan are my parents, and they named me and my siblings using the formula of Mom + Dad name = Offspring name :P Actually, I asked before how come my name originate from them when the only thing similar is our initials, they just laugh at my question and said that's it. (I am a curious kid, really really curious kid). My mom told me that I should be named as Ellen Jean, because Jean is much similar to Juan but the Nurse who wrote my name to the registry of my birth mistakenly put Jane, and they just go with it. When I first heard it back in high school, I said that it's a good thing that Nurse wrote it mistakenly because I wouldn't like it, me? Jean as in Jin, it sound miserable to my ears. But then I realized I just get used to people calling me Jane that's why I like it, and I think that Jean is a good name too, I like how it sound boyish, haha.

Growing up, I am someone who really had many pet names (and my friends still creates silly names), some I already forgot, but here's the list of what I still remember.

I was called as Cleng  back to my toddler years; it is a nick name given by my mom's mother. I don't remember this but it was in high school when my oldest cousin called me Cleng, and I wonder why he called me by this name. He told me that he actually don't know why, but that's everyone calling me when I was a baby that he got used to it and sometimes he forgot what they call me now. Curiosity got the best of me so I asked my Auntie about it and she told me that I was given that name due to the fact that I get sick easily and on our province they had a little town ceremony where they offer chicken eggs, they will say random weird names until the egg stands (bottom part is where the chalaza located). My relatives believes in that, and my Auntie said that when they start calling me that, I don't get sick more often than they experience. Actually I am not the only one who did this process, my sister is called Gindang, my two cousins are known as Coring and Paos. Weird right?, thanks to who ever gave me this pet name, it's cute and I do like it.

From the time when I rediscover this pet name, I used it to name some of my things like high school notebooks, and USB, that is why my friends and previous classmates knows this. My college guys friends usually calls me Cleng, (4 out of 5) and 2 of my highschool friends calls me by this name. These are the guys who are really close to me.

Jane is a name I used at home, this is the nick name that I grew up with. If you will call me Jane outside the vicinity of my home, I will ignore you mainly because my brain can only accept one pet name at a time.I sometimes think that Jane is something that wouldn't fit me outside home because it is too girly and it give me a homey feeling.

I am Ellen for most of the people I know and will know. My second name hides when I was in college; i only used Ellen and that's it. This is my common name so to speak.

Aside from Cleng, Len is a named used by my closed friends. You can easily tell that a person knows me a bit deeper once you heard them called me this.

Some of my silly nick names are

  • Hamster - I don't know who started calling me this, but my college friends says that my smile looks like a hamster and I am small and chubby which makes this name fits me
  • Bangs - It came out when I sports a hairstyle with fringe, the threesome (my college girl friends) called me this because they say my fringe is really funny and it fits my crazy image.
  • Donya Eleonor - The girl who manage a cabaret. Another nickname created by amazing threesome because they of my 'seductive' look and 'bugaw' jokes.
  • Elenia - A monicer inspired by Alodia, Philippine most known cost player.
  • Han - I don't know why it is Han with A, but I think its like his nickname to me
  • Lab - this one created an issue because it's a nickname my friend and I called each other. Actually I think I was the one who created this since I've become close with that friend on Computer Laboratory Class.

That's the long story of my name.
If you have some time you can share your's here ^^

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