Notes from a Plain Jane

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Perfect Masterpiece

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Did you ever think one day that at the right time, you will met a tall, mestizo, handsome, intelligent, kind and sweet guy? It will be better if that guy have a good body, nice job and a car. 
We could dismiss the mestizo part, because guys with colors are more manly :P 

Who wouldn't right? I'm sure you are still dreaming that one fateful day, you will meet your dream man. The one whom you molded to your imagination for a long time. 

Writing this makes me laugh at the crazy thought's that keep popping on my silly head.
Admit it or not, we, girls do have this romantic notion that one day when we finally at the right age, we will meet our dream man in a most unexpected yet unforgettable way. That fateful day when we will realize that fairy tale's do come true, and you are living your own version of Cinderella's happy ever after because you met your own Prince Charming. The day where you will be crazily happy because you  met the guy who could love you the way Domyouji Tsukasa love Makino Tsukushi in Hana Yori Dango.
We really do love the idea that one day, eventually, we would have a love story that will erase all the greatest love stories ever make. Maybe I can say that I am the only one who thinks about this.

Well, I don't want to disappoint you. But this thing will never happen. 
The fateful day where you feel your some kind of a Disney princess that finally met your Prince, or you find a love like Domyouji give is all a pigment of crazy imagination.
And to add more salt., your dream man only resides on your dream. 

Honestly, I do want to put all the blame on Disney princesses collection, romantic novels, chick flick movie, and all other stuff that gave us this insane belief about love and dream guy.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe in love. 
If you knew me personally, you would be surprise that I am writing this. I bet my friends would look at me as if I will die tomorrow to be able to break your little fantasy.

I do believe and will forever believe in the magic of love.
But I just wanted to help some lady like me to have a quick call with reality. 
It's not first time that a friend called me hopeless when it comes to love. Among our group of friends, I am a sucker for romance. I do love watching chick flick, reading pocket romance novels, watching Disney princesses, day dreaming about the day when I will finally have the kind of love that I watched on TV.
I have plenty experiences where my friends just look at me and gave me their hopeless expression whenever I buy another set of pocket novels, or chit chatting how romantic a certain episode is.
It wasn't a few times where they reminded me that a dream man is called like that because it only lives in dreams. It breaths and exists on our imagination. They always told me that those romantic scenes are created to liven up or romantic stimuli's, but if we will look at it in any perspective, it was on the screen because it's a product of someone's imagination. It was born on somebody's neuron's and it's intended to be transferred on other's neurons and die there. It's all in the brain.

I actually refused to think this way for more than 8 years or so. I did think that Prince's exist ever since I was 12, and like any mind paradigm, it wasn't easy to change.
And what happens that made me change my mind?
Did I fall in love realistically that I realized that these are all illusions?

Truth be told, but I don't know when I started cringing on every romantic lines on a novel and give a side comments that it's impossible to happen. I sometimes find myself having an inner debate over a sappy movie and concluding that those are movie scenes only. It's not a big change but it's a change after all.

Actually, there are times when I regret being this stuck up about my own idealism. I always slipped any chance of falling in love before because I believe that is not the right time. I have some prospective boyfriends who I didn't gave a chance because I was so busy molding my dream man that I missed seeing some guys who could make me forget that crazy illusion.

I haven't madly fallin in love yet to say so many profound things, but I know I should delete these standards I've set because no man can really fit in a molded cast created by my own mind. We wouldn't want to wear ill fitted shoes, yet we do think that some guy would agree to squeeze himself on a coffin we created. 
We girls should realize that it's better to create a molded image when the person is right in front of you and helping you made a one in a million abstract piece called love than create a perfect masterpiece alone that we commonly called dream man.

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