Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

A day at PGH Children's Ward.

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I am not fond of hospitals.
Blame it on my early years experiences; but I think no one wanted to be in the hospital unless you are working there.
I always get the teary feelings whenever I will visit one. Especially when I can see different patients with different sickness. It makes me feel so sad that I don't know what to do.

Today, I spent my morning as our company Volunteer to gave medical supplies at Philippine General Hospital (PGH), a well known public hospital in our country. We also spend some time with the children admitted at ward 9 & 11.

PGH is a public hospital which bare from the elegant looking and excellent ventilated rooms at a private hospitals. A big part of the patients came from poor to middle class family mainly because it is much cheaper, and better than some of the private hospitals. 

While observing them, I find myself having a hard time talking because I just wanted to cry and wonder what emotional trauma those children and their parents are going through. I remember one child, her name was Angel, she was 4 years old and have a leukemia. When I heard her parents said those words, I wanted to bawl like crazy there. I am 21 years old, healthy and doing great, I can say that so far life has been great to me that I found so many essentials that other found when they were much older than me. I suddenly realized that if Angel wouldn't survive, she will missed a lot of good things and it was heartbreaking on the side of their parents.

I met another child name Timothy who were a year and have so many complications because of the sickness I can't remember the name. I am not sure if the blood on the tube is coming from the blood packet to transmit or its releasing from his fragile body. I talked to his dad and found that he is a real survivor, they thought that he will be gone the day before yesterday but his there fighting for his life. I suddenly want to hug the child and if I will have 9 lives, I'll definitely give one to him.

There are plenty more child with different sickness that I almost couldn't look into them without forcing myself so I would not give negative impressions to their parents. I couldn't look because I can't bear to see them in those conditions. They were children who should be playing around outside, experiencing a sunlight overdose and being as playful as they should be. But they are lying there and crying at every shot the nurse given to them. They are experiencing something I wouldn't ever wanted to go through.

I won't say that the experience change my point of view or something drastic happened to me. I expected those things because I've been joining social actions voluntary works and enjoying it. I've gained handful of life's treasures and magics that opened my mind and heart to see things simply and do what you could. Doing voluntary works after a long time is like relearning the things you have learned and experience again another self review. I know I am lucky, just being a normal being is a great luck. But since it's a known knowledge, we tend to forget it and store in our brain. Standing there are observing those kinds makes me understand again what being lucky is. They let me realized again that my purpose in life is more than what I could think of.

I really do wish that social events like those is a requirement for everyone. To let them know what the real meaning of life, how lucky they are and treasure the days and possessions they have.

I miss these events :) and I think I am up for the socio-cultural self improvement process that I love to do.

I do hope that one day, I could meet those children again and have the whole day talking to them.
I do wish they will all survive this stage in their life.

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