Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

Life restart.

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I've been feeling down for that past week, though it wasn't as bad as before, I am not happy that I feel pathetic again. I know things would't be okay instantly, it will take time and effort and for someone like me who can't feel okay with the thoughts that I can do more should make a plan.

Maybe this blog entry is just an excuse; an excuse for me to commit myself on the things I wanted to change.

Today, I promise myself to

  • Not feel bad about the things that wouldn't come my way. It won't be easy but I wouldn't let my inner brat to come over my senses.
  • I will make new friends
  • Spend my time wisely. I will do something for improvement everyday.
  • Not to compare things, I am my own identity. They can be my inspiration, but I shouldn't feel down because it wouldn't help me.
  • Not to demand so much from my friends, they have their own life, so does I. I need to learn how to be independent again, emotionally.
  • I will jog everyday and start exercising.
  • I will find a goal that I can commit so I will find more meaning of life.
  • Be happy and give happiness
It won't be easy, as change is something we cannot do overnight. But I know everything will pay off I day.

I don't want to wake up one day that I missed so many things because I am afraid. I wanted to be the person who my future self will be thankful for.

I am a not a loser, and I never intended to be one :)
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