Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

Hello October!

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September has been good to me, and I know you will be awesome.
There are things I look forward to this month.

1. Bigbang Alive Tour Concert XD

I've been wanting this to happen since I become a VIP, and this month one of my fangirl dreams will come true.  Finally after years and months of waiting, I will see them in flesh and I don't care if they are so tiny or I cannot hold them. Just the fact that I will be in the same area, and the air that we will be breath will be the same, is enough for me to be ultimately happy

2. End of my two years role

This one is a surprise that I received last September.  
I don't expect this to be easy, I need to do so many documents and transition plan but hey, this is the thing I have been waiting for. I wouldn't weep because it's difficult, I am actually excited because I can see some new steps from me and what ever happens, I have the experience. It's been years from the time I have this amazing mixed emotions that I want to shout in glee. 

This one also mark a new beginning, and I am excited to have this.

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