Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

In knots - No more :)

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I was at the end of May.
My amazing brain wanted to have some screwed analysis and realization of my relationship towards people that has been so dear to me.
To say that I was lost was an understatement.
I do considered myself as a hopeless romantic; I do believe if fate, true love and other things that people sometimes said a word/belief out of a crap. And I think this is the main reason why I've been worried about something.

Three days ago, I realize something and I just can't help but laugh.
I realize that this someone doesn't have a feelings for me more than friend, he is like that because

  1. We are too close
  2. I let him do it

My best friend warned me several times that I lost counting, yet as hardheaded as I can be, I just categorize everything under the label 'friends'.
Boys will always be boys, though I know they have great respect to me as their friend and almost a younger sister, their biological blue print will always be summarize by the phrase I said. They will reciprocate what's given to them and sometimes a bit more touchy or sweeter that people misunderstands.

I won't deny the fact that I do have a crush on him and just hide it under the word "confusion" and "rhetorical scenario's", two concept I loved to use as my shield. Though I know that these things also happens because of I am so comfortable to him that I didn't think much of the things and just go with it and my romantic obsessive imagination.

I think I did have some crazy infatuation with him, and I realize today that I don't have a feeling for him the way I assume I have. I learned from the past months that I shouldn't trust my over analysis brain so much on the things that didn't happen yet. Everything is a product of my eagerness to have a love life, and being the available guy who meet the basic character that I imagined eons ago.

I am happy as a pig in mud.
I've sorted things out, and I can act like the normal Cleng :) So crazy and lively but this time, with lesser sugary sweet treatment.

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