Notes from a Plain Jane

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Graveyard Friendship

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Graveyard Friendship, that is what my high school friends called our relationship.
It's actually begun way back in College days. Most of us went to different schools, and the only time we had are during weekends, or night time. I usually spend sleepless nights with them, but it's okay. We only seen each other twice or thrice every two months.

After our college days,  everyone is now working on their fields, but we haven't let go of our *graveyard* tradition. We usually see each other during holidays, weekends and a few weekdays but all of those meeting happens on night time :P, So up to now, we are all jokingly called ourselves as graveyard friends, were our meeting starts at 6:00 P.M and usually ends at 1-2:00 AM the other day :P

If you are wondering what are the things we usually do that time, well, we talk about life in general :) (Because were awesome like that :) Joke^^) Actually we talk about things that I think most of our age will all be chatting about like:
  • Update/News about our high school batchmates, friends, or teachers.
  • Career
  • Love Life
  • Current Generation (Because we sometimes feel too old T__T)
  • Cartoons and TV shows :P
  • Fangirlings (Yes, they all give in to my whims! )
  • Book
  • Movies
  • Plans for outing/bonding etc
  • Problems and Advices
Actually, all the meetings are like high school all over again :) The silly laughter and the old love teams. The stuff we would like to do, and we already did. We actually talk about anything.

Honestly, one time we said that there is something special about high school friendships, and that is everyone is a witness to everyone's changes, be it physically or emotionally. All of you grew together at the same time. You all meet at the point where things are changing rapidly, a point in your life when you realized that you are growing up. And your high school friends see that, you also see them change. Spending time with them is like going back to the silly and young you, but at the same time you are looking at the new you. Its a fusion of then and now, something your college buddies never see.

Maybe the biggest change from then to now, is our talks usually have a bottle of alcohol. Though I must admit that alcohol brings a lot funny things on a conversation :) Base from experience. Other than that, it always feel like I am the old Ellen, where I don't think what others will think of me, and I just laugh all the silliness :P

I am so glad that I have my Graveyard friends:P 

P.S. Just went home from another shift ^^ We plan to have another one this sunday :) 

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