Notes from a Plain Jane

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Kpop Fangirl 101: The Beginning

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Hi People :)

I was thinking of a good article to write, or maybe a guideline to post that can help people.
I was actually thinking to post techy stuff, but i am not that techy and I am currently struggling at that aspect of mylife, so I decide to write something that I enjoyed ever since 2008. And that is Fangirling :P So I will write a bits of things that can help new Kpop Fangirls out there, and I will call it Kpop Fangirl 101 Yeah, I sucks at naming things.

Just a short background As if I am on interview haha, my mom said ever since I was young, I tend to be a fan of things like a TV shows, artist and the likes. I remember back in my elementary days, I was so in love to watch shows, that I memorize all the shows for the week on my favorite channels such as Discovery, HBO, Disney, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Star Movies, Cinema One, and some others that I cannot remember.]

I was in high school when I first admit that I was a fan of Hilary Duff from Lizzie McGuire that I cry when I didnt watch her movie T_T. That is the same time when I was super crazy with Anime's that I make sure I will go home from school on time to watch AXN.

It was in 2008 that I realize my full potential as an Asian Kpop Fangirl (I sound as if I possess a great power). I first heard the song Nobody from a bunch of Korean Volunteer from the NGO I belonged. I am self-confessed music noob, before I start my journey to Kpop, most of the songs I know are from 80's or 90's. The song genre that my parents appreciate, and that is the only songs I know T__T, I am not a person who enjoy music aswell. Going back to Nobody, when I heard it I like the melody, it's fun and I feel like I want to dance. I asked a Korean Volunteer what the song title is, and she said Nobody by Wondergirls.

As soon as I went home, I opened my PC, and googled Nobody, then I clicked on Tell Me, up until it lead me to BigBang, which I called weird at first, and now I am also obsessed with. Then I heard about Suju, DBSK, SNSD, to First Idols, S.E.S., Shinhwa, g.o.d., H.O.T, Fin kl etc, and the rest was history.

Counting the years, I've been a Kpop fangirl for almost 4 years. And I am a proud, Wonderful, V.I.P. and Shinhwa Changjo :P

Though I love those three fandoms to death, I also love Miss A, Secret, T-ARA, Kara and a bunch of Kpop Idols and variety shows :P

On the next post, I will post the list of Kpop Idols :P
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