Maybe I am overdose with Shinhwa's fangirling that they appear again on my dream. Yes, I dream about Shinhwa, and on that dream ERIC is sitting on my right side
and he is not even my bias! Haha <3 Dongwannie is .05 higher on my ranking, they are all tie except for that .05 increase hohohoho! But I only see him on a split second.
Oh well, ERIC is still ERIC! 
Back to my dream, its like a reality date show, like Love Letter but there are many girls! I actually don't know if I'm one of the contestant (but most probably not). I only remember some scene like a stage with pillars, each pillar you can see the six member saying FIGHTING, and then they disappear. (The only sighting of Dongwannie OPPPA)
On the next & last scene, Its on a room that has mirror wall, like a dance studio but too small to be one. I think there are 5 to 6 girls excluding me. Eric is on the room with us, he is on my right side (So near right??:D)
across on his sit, I noticed someone really pretty and familiar. That person actually doesn't care about what's happening on the room. Actually me and that lady doesn't care that Eric is on the room with us.(T__T I maybe sane on my dream, imagine! I dont really care about ERIC on the room with me T__T ). I remember I was doing my blowfish face while looking on the mirror across me and saying how dark my skin is and how much stress I am going in that moment. The familiar lady is comfortable crossing her legs and looking at her phone. While the other girls is asking Eric so many questions. It's actually funny because I saw Eric being the usual 4D sitting and asking the other girls. I think I am one of the 'show's' staff. After sometime, Eric suddenly stands and bid goodbye. The other girls are asking for a KISS before he goes outside the room, its really weird that Eric immediately agree but says he will only kiss one girl. After saying that, he walk across and kiss the familiar girl's forehead. I was shocked when I remember who's that lady. It's Hwangbo! And that's the end of it T_T 
When I realized what my dream is, I laugh at myself. I always wanted Hwangbo to end up with one of the Shinhwa Member, specifically Jinnie! Haha. HopeI will dream about Hwangbo & Jinnie soon! or any encounter with Shinhwa member. :D
This is how Hwangbo look like on my dream. Though her hair is shorter and just straight.
While Eric is dress like Kangwoo rather than the hip hop comfortable him.
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