Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

Traditional Pre-Birthday Routines

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Today is March 5, and tomorrow I will finally turn 21 *drumrolls*, the year where I am now allowed to get my own Credit Card! *Louder drumrolls*
But as usual, I feel so sick since Saturday. I don't have a fever, but my body feel so weak that I just want to sleep all day. I already drank some med for flu, since according to my mom it looks I will have one in a matter of hours and my traditional pre-debut sickness is waving hi infront of me@_@.
I remember every year, a day or two before my birthday, I suddenly feel so sick. It's either i will have flu, a cough or a fever T_T. I already experienced spending my birthday inside a hospital, and it wasn't the best experienced at all.
I will take some rest again :P and hopefully I wouldn't feel so sickly afterward ^^
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