Notes from a Plain Jane

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I love 2PM and Jay Park, and their scandal really make me sad. (I thank heaven's because that time I wasn't that much of a fan, or else I will feel really broken hearted and that will lead to series of Ellen's uncalled dramatic moments that it's better to be hidden)

I like their songs, I have all of their album and I really went to Jay Park's meet and greet when he came to the Philippines last May :P But if I will put them to scale of my favorite boy groups, they are 3rd, after Bigbang, while Shinhwa's taking the first spot. Though I can immediately say that, there is one thing that makes me wonder at times :P 2PM's Only You is the only Kpop song that can make me feel that can give me an eerie feeling, something that makes me feel that I am in love, and it's weird actually. I feel nervous, my heart keeps beating as if my crush is in front of me. I can't explain it, but this is the only song that can make me crazy just by listening to it and mind you, it can give me this feeling while I am listening in front of a computer. T.T

This unexplained feeling is not new, since I felt this a lot of times like:

  • When I first heard Shinhwa's song on their The Return Album
  • When I first listen to Lie's and Haru Haru 
  • When I heard that Bigbang will have a concert in the Philippines
I felt it many times, but they are not consistent (except when I remember that I met and attended Bigbang's concert). But on this song, I really felt erratic heart beats that I promised myself I will sing this one day to my future boyfriend. It's crazy actually how this song can really make me feel all of this. Maybe because 2PM voices and this song's are a perfect fit and I am a bit nostalgic of everything.

It's crazy and I don't really know if other people feels this, but I think Only You have this magic that is so soothing to the ears and suddenly makes your heart beats unnaturally. But I can only feel this whenever I listen to Only You with the original 7 members :) I like the new one too, wherein they split up Jay's part, but I really can't feel this in-explainable feeling to that version, and I think it's because it's missing Jay's voice. I am not saying it's the only thing that lack, it is just like when you eat a really delicious cake that you really love, and one day the baker didn't put all the same ingredients, you still love the cake, it is still exceptionally delicious but you know something is missing and it will be much perfect it the certain ingredients will be put back :P

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