Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

He's Gay, so what?

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My siblings and I were watching a local program that features various topics, from animals, to food, to social issues etc.
I am not a socially responsible person, nor someone who would go all out on the street to fight for someone's right but I always share my two cents on the topic that caught my attention.

One of the program topic is about a guy who couldn't accept that his little brother because he is gay. As if being gay is a big sin. I came from a catholic family, I do consider myself as a believer of him, but I am not closed minded.

I don't like it that the older brother treat his younger brother as if he was sick. There is nothing wrong for being gay. They are amazing creatures, to be honest they are self-sufficient, funny but more often that not left lonely.

Why people treat the third sex as if they are not the same kind of people that the heterosexual is composed of? They are living things as well, they breathe, they have their own rights and opinion and they have feelings too. Why some people have this set of crazy and inhumane standards? I often wondered why there are peoples who still thinks they are superior because they are not gays, for me they are a bunch of closed minded people who are so unsure of themselves.

I've heard it often, and yes I do agree. Being gay is not a choice, they are born like that, and there is nothing wrong with it.

And if you were asking me what will I feel if a person so close to me suddenly say he's gay, I would be shocked of course (especially if s/he is a good actor), but I would celebrate it because atleast one person finally have the courage to admit in this cruel world who he is, and I would let him feel that atleast one person is happy that he is happy :)

So for those people who will say its a sin, I don't think Papa God is that closed minded as you are :P and you are him to judge if its a sin or not, you could be morally right based on your standards, but they are also human according to the every person's right on each country's constituition so keep your close minded thoughts inside your skull while we are having the greatest time of our life in pink tutu's and ribbons!
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