Notes from a Plain Jane

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Two rare diamonds

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It was March 10 when I first get to know them.
Me and my friend gave a long overdue graduation treat to SRD personnels. We were eating foods from Amber's and having a great talk when I saw two Korean's holding two boxes of Krispy Kreme Donuts. Ate Gina introduce them to us, they are SooYoung and YouJin, and said that they are the new long term volunteer. I had a little chitchat with them over spaghetti, barbeque and pichi-pichi. I was actually shocked when Soo Young said that she knew me as the Farewell Party host when she was a short term volunteer at the Center, I used to that for a couple of times. It was 2010, and I am glad that she still remember me :)

I don't know why, but I feel really comfortable with them. It's like I meet a two new friends (which doesn't happen always), so I invited them to my 21st birthday celebration that night. I remember they are so excited then, and even more excited when I saw them walking to our house. My friends are surprised when they saw two unfamiliar face, to top of it, two pretty Korean face. I was actually worrying aswell because I don't know if they will enjoy this kind of party, but I'm glad that they had a good time with my joker friends.
It should be a secret but he's not here to scold me so I will admit that one of my friend have a crush on Youjin :P

Then April come, my grandmother dies. I was really touched when Ate Gina told me that SooYoung and Youjin keeps asking for me, and how I was. I saw genuinely concern in them that I was deeply moved. Here, I have two new friends who sincerely gave their condolences and look out for me, while my other friends didn't even bother to text me. That day when they visit with the SRD stuff, I told myself that who cares about those who don't give me time, I found two precious friends here, and I wouldn't mind it.

There are series of events that we spend together. Though it's just a small time, I was really glad that every time I go to the center, there are two smiling faces who always greets me, and have time to talk endlessly with me.

Today, these two fairies needed to go back to their fairyland, Korea. I feel funny that I wasn't that sad, because I hate goodbye's, the I realized that I am not sad because I know we can communicate through facebook and SooYoung will come back on December.
I don't spend my free time mostly at the Center, so I don't have the rights to said that they were the best long term volunteer, but for me they are the best :) They are fun to be with, and easy to talk to. Being with them for a day is like spending a day with my closest friends. We can talk about food, lalaki, Philippines and everything under the sun. My brother sometime asked me what are we talking about that we spend hours, and I just said nothing important actually.

SooYoung and Yoojin, Thank you for spending your 6 months in our little country. I know its very different from Korea, but I really do hope that you learned so many things here and enjoy how we do things. If there is a character that we Filipino's are really proud of, its the way we deal life with a Smile and a hope that tomorrow will be okay. I am glad that you even see how easily we celebrate things, no fancy clothing, no costly food, we are happy with a lots of home made food, a little videoke, some Tanduay Ice and many stories. I know many people already expresses their thank you to both of you, and adding this wouldn't hurt right? I remember one of my professor in University told me, that people who reach out and always willing to make sacrifices for other people are one rare diamond, something that you can't easily find because we are grown to believe that we should be higher to feel superior or achieve great things.In a world full of selfishness, and fake jewelries, it's nice to see two rare diamonds, smiling, talking and speaking little tagalog words at the center.

Hope to see you two again soon. YooJin, I wish you the best of luck in finding your true love, and I wish SooYoung an easy diet plan!:D

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