Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything
Last year, I have been a dramatic actress, pun intended.
I have been this girl with so many issues about insecurity and unfair judgement, but I didn't do anything to stop it. I just played victimized. I remember crying so much about this, that and anything I suddenly feel bad about. I called my friends and let them see me trying hard to stop what I was doing, I was that pathetic.For 20 years of living in this pretty planet, that is the only time I've drowned with my insecurity and never fight for my so-little confidence.

Later that year, I suddenly woke up one day and I realized how awful I become. I finally decided to stop the mess that I am creating and slowly pick up the confidence I leave on the ground. Though it wasn't an easy thing to do.

Currently I am still struggling, and there are times that I cannot help but to feel so low about who I am and what I can do. Like today, I have talked to an office friend and she honestly relay the comments she heard about our weekly task. I feel so low especially when I got compared with an officemate results because I am longer than him on the company. I feel so sad, I wouldn't deny that. But I know that she said it to me because she know how sucker I am for self-improvement. While talking to her I found myself internally defending my actions, but I realized that I need to stop that and listen attentively without being so defensive. If I needed to improve, I must start listening first and understand. I can say that I understand it, but my mind currently saying too much work, too much... which is the first thing I need to change. I cannot be the person they wanted me to be overnight. I'll slowly improve until one day, I can hear them compliment me.

If there is one thing that I always remember after that euphoric moment that compliments are not free. Your efforts is the easy way to have one. And effort will not betray you :)

I hope one day I can write an entry when I can finally say Goodbye Dramatic days of 2011 :) and I know I will reach that phase soon. But for now, I will enjoy this bumpy ride and keep posting some note about the daily life, struggles and aspirations of a Plain Jane :)

There are times that I asked myself why, and keep comparing like an insecure child without a toy but wanted to feel good about herself. But there are also moments when I am inspire to move forward and just do things. Those times, I think that I can do everything and suddenly realized that I am that kind of person before. Do things because I wanted to improve and tell myself that I can do it. Do things with efforts because efforts will never fail you.;,

I always know that there are things/people that will always be greater than me, but there are also things that I am good at. I remember that week, I sudden
Disclaimer: I do not own Kang Gary or Song Ji Hyo nor I am connected with Running Man, If I am and in any force of nature have the ability, I swear I'll make them real. This is purely based on my excessive imagination and fascination about our favorite Monday Couple :) Any forms of comment and suggestion is appreciated :P but please let me live for another day Grammar Nazi..kindly point out my mistake! and I will be glad to edit this. Enjoy reading my very first MC fanfic.

Monday Couple.
A very familiar term that she doesn’t understand or know why.
She always heard her uncle’s calling her parents that name whenever they had a usual dinners or lunch.
She also heard her teachers addressing her mom as MongJi, and tagged her parents as Monday Couple which is really weird.
She knows that her parents are celebrities, Mom and Dad explained it to her on her fifth birthday last year, but her mom is known as Song Ji Hyo and not Mong Ji. Her dad is the only one who can call her mom Mong Ji, though he usually called her MongJi Mongji but that’s counted right, they just omit the other Mong Ji.
Uncle Gil and Haha once explained that MongJi MongJi and Gelly Gelly is a pet name her parents used, and a pet name can only be called by the people who are really closed to you, like how his Uncles call her Little Mong.
 Her teachers is not close with her parents, they can only see them on Parents Teachers Meeting and should be addressed by Mr and Mrs.Kang, but that doesn’t enough to call them on their pet names or even called them Monday Couple, that wasn’t right.
She thinks again when she watched an interview of her parents today on a show, the MC address them as Korea’s famous Monday Couple. She badly wants to know why everyone keeps calling mom and dad like that. Uncle Gwang Soo told her that couples are a girl and a boy that got married, the same way as her parents. She knows that Monday is a day of week, but her parents are not only a couple on Mondays. They are married from Monday to Sunday, why just calling them Monday Couple? Why they don’t call them everyday couple? Which is more okay right?
Aish! She doesn’t want to think anymore, she will just ask her parents tomorrow when she already wake up, but tonight she needs to sleep fast before her mom check her bed and caught her awake. She doesn’t want her mother to get sad especially when her baby brother is on her tummy.

Eversince I started working, whole body massage is one of my great stress-reliever and comforter. My body feels tired once I missed my monthly massage schedule, so it became my habit to search for an affordable and satisfying massage parlour.

I first heard the Massage Services by the Blind from my College Marketing Professor. She often said that they have the nice touches, at a very affordable price, a wise decision for a wise consumer. Though she said that there place is not as great as the usual massage parlour, but you will love it because of their services. These Massage Services by the Blind that she is talking about, is located at Harrison Plaza, Manila, near the Rizal Stadium :). Though it's very near to my college, I never had the chance to experience this because of time availability (I am on a trimester school, where you feel so happy when you have a more than two weeks of summer vacation)

I finally tried it when I saw that there is a Massage Services by the Blind at Metropoint Mall, the mall connecting LRT EDSA and MRT Taft Avenue :). This service is located at the third floor, which you can easily see when you stand in front of Time Zone and pass you look on the food station. 
They really had an affordable services, half body massage (sitting position) for an 30 minutes is Php150, full body massage (sitting position) for 1 hour is Php200, and full body massage (lying down) for 1 hour and 30 minute is Php250. Though the place is not really the massage parlour type because its a not well-lighted room with the usual chairs occupying the front space, and some dividers on the back.

I tried their half body massage, and I feeeelll so great. They really have the right touches, and they really know where to put the pressure. I also tried their whole body massage, though I am really hesitant to lay down and take off my clothes because the place look uncomfortable, but I tried it anyway. I really love the pressure the masseur gave, and she explains to me why I feel that way etc. She's really a professional with 10 years experience. It is the first time that I really feel so much better after a massage. Imagine, there place doesn't have any menthol scent that usually makes me ultra relax. she just used an ordinary massage oil but the satisfaction she gave is more that what I usually feel after a massage session. I decided to go back again this coming month :)

If you are looking for an affordable massage parlour, and does not bother by the place, you can try the Massage Service by the Blind ^^ Its really an amazing experience :P

After 100 times of planning, Aimee and I finally have our long awaited date :) 
P.S. Since we are both craving for Milk Tea, we tried the Jelly's Grass Milk Tea, and its AMAZING :P

 I am the one in blue, and Aimee is the pretty one haha :P
P.S. This are low quality pic from my phone, my mind play the game named 'stupidity' and forgot my camera at home.

We decided to watch a movie, at first I was rooting for The Vow because of reasons, but we heard so many negative feedback on how the ending is so predictable so we decided to watch Unofficially Yours, since we both love John Lloyd movies, and I never regret that decision :P

The movie is about two people who doesn't have the 'official' relationship and enjoying the heat each body can provide, just as what they saying goes No strings attached. As a person who always watched a John Lloyd romance film, I can say that this is the most daring movie he had among those romance film he made, because of several love making scene, though I also laugh countless times. And this is now my officially favorite movie of his, Yes it surpasses One More Chance because its less dramatic and I can easily gasp everything, especially the emotions  part :)

On this movie as well, I realized one thing I always wonder, why girls really love John Lloyd Cruz and his romance movie. He is not the Greek god handsome guy type at least for me, but looking his face having those cute boyish smile, expressive eyes and not so toned body makes me realize how easy it is to think that he can be real. I mean, he is easy to find not those perfect characters that other had. 

Angel is also great here, and she's really pretty in my eyes for the first time, though many people will say because she really is, but this is the first time I appreciate her eyes and nose, because her jaw and cheek bone also scream 'SHARP & ELEGANCE', just what her eyes and nose says :P and what her character need. I will also gave credits to her on the Parental Guidance scenes.

I said earlier that this is now my official favorite John Lloyd movie because of these scenes/reasons:
  • Macky's character - I always want a man like him :) Cute, sweet and will do anything for you.
  • Love making scene after Macky fetch Ces and said that the rubber is not for her, I laugh really hard on his three friends :)
  • Coffee, Tea, Juice, Water, Cold Water & Warm Water
  • Ces tarsier jump when Macky became an official writer
  • Macky's for all its worth article
Though I love this movie, since I watched his previous films there are couple of times when I suddenly recall a scene from his previous movies because of its similarity. Though the good thing is, I immediately forget it and not dwell on it so much, which is a great indication that I am not bored and I enjoy what I watch.

My money is really worth it :) 
So if you are thinking to watch this, go and watch :P  I promise you will love this ^^

P.S. Yes, this is my Single's Awareness Celebration :)

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