Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

Welcome 2012! Hello World of Cleng!

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Exactly 3 hours, and 25 minutes ago, half of the world welcome this year 2012, actually I was one of them, me and the rest of my countrymen. So what is the relationship of this to my very first blog entry? I do have a blogger account since 2008 or 2009 but haven't really tired using this(I just register so I can stalk some fans of my crushes haha) and I do have a wordpress account back then which is mainly for academic purposes.
So what is the relationship? I just want to open a chapter in my life, and I think one of the best thing to go with me is opening a new blog that will share my ordinary life to the reader who will lost there way here (wink). Even though i am an IT graduate, and have several accounts on different blog sites I always find it awkward to share an ordinary me to the rest of the internet world. Last year, 2011, I realized that things really changes faster than anyone could ever imagine and as sentimental as I am, I want to save everything that I can so I can easily walk back to memory lane. And Viola! What will be the best way to do this, other than creating a blog site that I will seriously think as my baby :) I also wanted to do what I really want way back in elementary, and that is sharing things that I knew. So I guess you should expect this blog to mirror who really I am and the things I really love. So please expect a blog full of craziness and fangirling!.

Please wish me luck on this journey :)
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