Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

Goodbye 2011

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2011 was a tough year for me. I realized that I wasn't moved on from the fall down I experienced late 2009 which means that little by little, I create a monster inside myself that slowly consume the Ellen that I am for the past 19 years. I have experience a deadly combination of self-pity and insecurity that slowly eating my confidence.
This year aswell, I have learned so many lessons that I am glad to know like, you should really love yourself and never compare things.I also learned that you are the one who created your own destiny, there are external factor but 90% of it is in your hands, whether it's just simply choosing what color to wear or what bag to carry. All of that weights the destiny you are creating. My experienced this year thought me as well not to do things tomorrow if you can do it today, so you can use tomorrow for doing things you really love. I also realized that it's okay not to please everybody, not just because you really cannot but a No with justified reasons will earn you respect, than a Yes that will brings you headache and danger your word of honor.
There are so many things that I am really thankful for this year. I am glad to found new friends, and maintain a healthy relationship with the old one. I am happy as well to have a change on regaining one special friend. I am thankful to God for everything, for making my Lola okay, for giving us hope every time that thing happened and to every blessings that I received this year.
I am really glad to remember how luck I am , and I shouldn't dwell too much on what I do not have, and focus more on what I have.
So for this new year, I will build a better me, with a much more stronger positive side and faith on herself :)
Hello 2012! Kindly guide me :P
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