Notes from a Plain Jane

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Three weeks ago, my classmate invited me to attend the Christian Life Program (CLP), the first part to be a member of Single's For Christ (SFC).

Three weeks since I decided to fully embrace this calling.
I am not that religious, and always fail to go to church every Sunday, but I know that I have this intimate relationship with Papa God.
I actually don't know when I slightly look at him sideways instead of  pursuing the path of serving him, a promise I told myself I will do when I became an adult.

Three weeks have passed and today he makes me realize again that this is the way I should go, to serve him and work again with our intimacy.

I love the topic of our today's fellowship: What it means to be a Christian?
The speaker said so many wonderful things and these are what I remember the most
 - God calls us not on our best moments but he calls us when we are at our worst
 - God doesn't want you to feel the burden of your sins, that is why he already bears it. The only thing he wants is for you to serve, follow him and do your part.
 - God wants us to love each other, to complete and not compete.
 - And God has his own timing, he will provide you better just trust and have faith with him. Man's rejection is God's redirection.

The speaker encourages us to have that intimate personal relationship with God, in which you can open our heart to him. And today, till the rest of my day, I will work to have a continuous intimate relationship with him. I won't back out and hide my face, because I know he will still love me in my dirtiest, ugliest state.

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