Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

Christmas 2013

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For the last 22 years I am celebrating the birthday of our dear savior.
I am happier and much thanful today for everything that I have.
I don't have all the things that I want, nor have the people that I like to meet.
I didn't do something so BIG this year, nor experience a once in a lifetime feat.
But I am thankful because I have the people who I need around me, 
I am thankful because I received a gift that not many people experience, it may be not a solid second life but it is technically like that and for that I am truly glad.
I am thankful that he gives me the things that I need, not in the way I like them to be but in his own wonderful mysterious way.
There are so many things that I am still lacking as his child, but I am glad that this year he solidify all the foundations and let me realize that I am more than what I am thinking of.
I am glad, happy, thankful and feel so blessed that this Christmas I can't help but utter a sincere thanks to all the things he's been given to me and my family.
Happy Birthday Papa God :)
You know I love you right? And I will be forever your willing child :)

In your name,

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