Notes from a Plain Jane

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white flag is up!

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One thing that i learned from college is to say give up when you know you cant do anything about it.

I am not that good on measuring when to stop or not, so i don't know if my decision is right. But today, i said to myself that I wouldn't be that hardheaded to accept things. I know it wouldn't fade that easily..It will still remain but it just change. Maybe it is for the better..i will only wait until the time that everything will be okay or wait until i accept that this is okay.

I think the best thing to do now is to practice my adaptability skills and learned from my mistake that I shouldn't trust to much..nor gave care too much.

I know i just preventing myself to get hurt...but i been hurt before not just once. Its better to do this than look like a fool again.

Finally...White Flag is UP! 

*sorry for the grammatical error*

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