Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

What does the MillionPeopleMarch mean?

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Today is National Heroes Day, a very appropriate day for the Filipino to gather and let our voices be heard.
I joined the event, though I am alone I never felt like one while standing and roaming around the Luneta Park listening to different groups discussion, and observing them.

While standing there, I proved these two things to myself.

  • The Social Media is very powerful, and the march proved that we, normal Filipino citizen who spend hours sharing our ideas and selfies on social media is walking our talk and standing on our decisions and opinions about abolishing that stinky Pork Barrel. This march proved everyone that the people on social media is serious about fighting this long-history of pork barrel corruption and the government should take this seriously.
  • Filipino loves it country, and this movement to cleanse the system is one proof of that. I often heard that other country said that we lack nationalism, and I am proud to say that you are wrong, we do love it and this proves our passion to change the corrupt government. The lack of nationalism is an effect of the lack of trust that the Filipino's have to our government. 
I have to admit that I don't really trust rallies or anything like this because I do know that masses can be paid. Those political rallies before where they shout and carry large signs, half of the people there are paid a hundred or two just to shout, so i don't they have credibilities but I don't blame the peole who got paid there because for them, it is a job and a mean for them to fed their families.

Standing their and looking at families, group of friends, students and different organizations makes me feel the unity of the people in full sincerity. I am not paid to go there, wear white and listen but I went because I know in some way I am making a difference, and the people whom I meet also feels like that. 

I didn't finished the whole rally, and went home early because I needed to ran some errands, but I also felt proud when they said that the park is litter-free after the event. I am happy because it also shows the normal people accountability and it is different from the normal news of litter-everywhere (because of the paid rallies >.<)

I feel happy and proud that I joined this, and I keep supporting the change the we wanted to see not only because I am a tax-payer (but that played a big part) but I also wanted to see a better place for my sister and the future Filipino's.

So at the end of my day, what does this march means?

I think aside from cleansing the government, and serve us what we deserve (because the money is ours in the first place), this march means that everyone is united to make the right change and a wake up call to the government who promises to obey it's bosses command. It means that the silence and patience we give to them has reached it's limit and today, we demand to seek the truth and received what we deserved.

I didnt finished the event but I spent so much time on social media and wanted to share my opinions on some popular question/reactions:

Do I want President Aquino to resign? Why?
 - No. If he will resign, who will take his position? Another corrupt government official, I am tired with that process, let's end it please. I do actually love that this will be cleanse under the Aquino government because it do came from his own mouth that we are his boss, we will fight the corruption, we will make sure that those who do wrong things will be punished and I am waiting for him to stand on his slogan 'Daan na matuwid'. I do think that the worse thing it can happen to a person is bite back what he had said, and the public will knows it.

What can I say to those who wanted the Snap Election?
- Dear countrymen, we are in a democratic country, and mostly the people who are shouting this are the same people who put him into this position. And again, if we will have a snap election, who will take his seat? Does that person will really support our cause? I don't think so. Let's just asked the government to do what they had promised.

What can I say to Aggabao statement "PDAF is not for them. It is for the class, the dirt poor"
- We do know that, and that is not the reason why we went to Luneta. We go there because we wanted the stinky pork barrel to be scrapped and ensure that the taxes we pay goes directly to the social services that is intended to our countrymen who needs it most. I don't think he understand the feeling of seeing your payslip get deducted for thousands of your hard-earned money and watched on media that these money didnt help your countrymen but let the people in the government buy mansions and high-end cars. As a tax payer, we demand to know where our money goes, and that is a normal thing. Actually on a normal transactions, you get a receipt of what you pay for. Don't talk if you will only dig your own grave.

What can I say about Lacierda?
- Shut up please :) You're not helping your administration, you're just making things blow out of proportion. Many times people have said, pick the right words because if you messed it up, and your crowd is a very sensitive and intellectual people, they will pry you for what you said. Enough pacifying us please, we have our own mind and we do undertand what you mean, the problem here is that you don't understand what we mean :D

What can I say about the Legislative branch who keep insisting that only those who misused it should be banned to use the pork barrel system, and we should not generalized.
- Well, dear law makers, there are three brances of the Philippine Government, The Executive, The Legislative and The Judiciary. Each is a separate entity to ensure accountability. Your work is to create law for the people, update it to ensure we are protected. It doesnt included on your job role to think how you will help on funding the projects because your role is to make laws. There are so many outdated law on our constitution, and what are you doing? Sitting there and talking with different people? Arent you guys ashamed? We an ordinary people, who pay taxes, goes to work everyday, and spent more than 8 hours on our offices. We work and make improvement everyday to the people whom we worked with, while you seating there getting money from us, isnt that unfair? 
And if you really wanted to help us, please pass a useful law and make sure that they have claws to capture the people who do wrong, unless you are afraid that you will get bitten if you will do your job well.

To my countrymen, let's not stop fighting corruption.We have started now, let's end it aswell :D
Godbless our country.
Love the Philippines
Fight Corruption
Punished those needed to be punished.
It's time to change the decade of dirty politics

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