Notes from a Plain Jane

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For the past week, I am hooked with two of PhilPop finalist entries titled 'Dati' and 'Sometimes That Happen' though I also love all the other entries but this two stuck in my head.

Dati by Thyro and Yumi
Sung by: Sam Conception, Tippy Dos Santos and Quest
*This is the winning song <3*

Sometimes That Happen by Adrienne Sarmiento and Nino Regalado
Sung by: Ace Libre of Never The Stangers

While listening to the whole playlist, I wonder when am I that I didn't know about this and realized that I've been busy listening to foreign songs >.< 

I feel so sad at that thought actually because I do love OPM, and I think no one can beat anything that you grew up with, we are all subjective here ^^. I admit that for the past years, I've been hooked by a foreign artist and I am a Korean-pop fangirl but on the contrary half of my playlist is still OPM but non of them are recent. Aside from these songs, the recent one came from Himig Handog which is months ago.

Though I learned about PhilPop this late, I do admire them because they are encouraging us, Filipino's to submit an original composition and let the nation hear it. I think if our music industry will produce these kind of songs, and our radio station will play this (and not those trashy rap that shouldn't be played because they convey wrong messages to the kids), the younger generation will appreciate the OPM music more.

This actually promotes Nationalism ^^ 

If you wanted to know more about this you can check the Rappler post about this.
And yes, I do agree with them that OPM mostly is about love song, a sad love song in a happy or heart clenching melody ^^ 

Listen to the complete playlist here:

and please buy the album on any near music store ^^ Let's support OPM!

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