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Kpop Fangirl 101: Fanfiction

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It's been months from my first Fangirl 101 and I promise to post the list of Kpop Idols, but I will change that to fanfictions.

Fanfiction (noun) 
A piece of fiction within a fandom utilizing characters and situations from a pre-existing work including (but not limited to) books, television programs, films, and comic strips.

(Noun, Informal)
Fiction written by fans as an extension of an admired work or series of works, especially a television show, often posted on the Internet or published in fanzines.

Fanfiction, like any other form of literary works have different classification, some of the famous types are:

  • Real Life[RL] - self explanatory. Fanfictions that are created using facts by the character. In this type, the author usually used the screen name, real name of the actor and scenarios that is not far from what happened in the real life. Fan wars usually ignite on this.
  • Fluff - A light fiction which is usually just a day-in-the-life piece that is cute and humorous. A fiction about Jade taking a humourous shopping trip would be considered fluff.
  • Alternate Universe [AU] - This is where an author will choose to stray from the canon of the show and create events which are on their own timeline. Usually this is when an author will deny a character's death or act like an episode never happened or say "what if" episode A had happened differently, or they will act like the show stopped a certain place and keep writing as if there are no new episodes after that. If someone writes a fan fiction where Ami never breaks out, this is considered alternate universe. Fan fictions that take place after the end of a show are not alternate universe, however, because there is no canon for them to contradict.
  • Crossover - A fan fiction which incorporates characters, events, places, ideas, etc from another fandom. If the TP and Buffy were to run into each other, this would be a crossover, since they are two separate fandoms merged into one. Crossovers are also denoted sometimes with the word: "xover", the X standing for cross.
Fanfiction also uses jargon words that may confuse new fans, actually these jargons are widely used on fan girl world, here are some samples:
  • OTP - One true pairing ; A character or artists that you wanted to be together. It is related with Shipping, but this one is more specific and much faith are put unto OTP's. Some of my OTP's are Maotsujun (Mao Inoue + Jun Matsumoto), BiKyo (Rain + Song Hye Kyo), Monday Couple (Kang Gary + Song Ji Hyo)
  • One Shot - Type of fanfiction that is completed once published and no other chapter is needed.
  • OOC  or OC ( Out of Character) (1) When a canon character acts in such a way as to be totally contrary to what they would in the series. If Adam was to get violent and start fights, this would OOC. (2) A term used during RPG's when a person wants to say something as themselves, outside of the game. (e.g. - OOC: I have to leave my computer in twenty minutes.)
You can find other words here.

Since you know some Fangirling thing, here are the best fanfiction websites that you will find yourself spending hours and days :)
  • Soompi - One of the oldest fanfic paradise :) You can see a lot of amazing fanfiction here.
  • AsianFanatics - I am not an avid fan of this site mainly because of it's format, though there are fanfictions here that worth reading.
  • Winglin - Simpliest fanfic site :) This site has been alive for some years now, same with Soompi but unlike the other, Winglin stays its simple html format. I do like its simplicity, though there are lots of improvements the developer can apply (My IT part is speaking TT). There are lot's of amazing fanfics here :)
  • - It  is a fanfic heaven! :) This site is mainly for fanfiction so you can see variety of good stories here.

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