Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

24 Questions

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I will end my night with this post from my ever lovely Multiply site, but I will answer this again today ;P 
All fonts in Blue are the current answers :p

1. I’ve come to realize that…
> — Life is really complicated
>- Life just begin in College. It will get more complicated as you grow older since other life's critical issues are saying their hello's to you. It will get frustrating, a bit sad and you will fall again and again. But you need to say stand up, smile and fight again, because Papa God is always there for you.

> 2. I am listening to…
> — my prof
> - Snoring of my little sister and my electric fan

> 3. Maybe I should…
> — REST! and take a vacation
- Do something productive like coding or sleeping.

> 4. I love…
> — God, Myself, Myfriends and Myfamily
- God, My Family, My friends who become family, and myself :)

> 5. The best days of my life was…
> — the time when i become the ellen that I am
- When I slowly coming back to Papa God's loving arms.

> 6. I don’t understand…
> — somet things and some feelings
- Why I need to think about lot's of things 

> 7. I’ve lost…
> — something that is wonderful
- Opportunities that I cannot retrieve, but I will ensure to find more

> 8. People say…
> — things that they dont really mean most of the time
- Things that they don't really mean most of the time.

> 9. The meaning of my screen name is…
> — Childish
- I now used my second name :) 

> 10. Love…
> — Love is a noun not a verb - according to jona
- Love is a gift that you received everyday. 

> 11. Somewhere, someone is…
> — meant for me
- excited to meet me haha. I can dream right?

> 13. Forever seems….
> — too fancy
- too fancy

> 14. I never want to…
> — lost the people who i value most
- be afraid anymore.

15. My mobile phone is/are…
> — a phone
- a phone?

16. I believe that…
> — life doesn't revolve around me
- You can get better with God

17. I get annoyed when…
> — i am stressed out..haha
- I am under stressed and tons of pressures. 

> 18. I am better…
> — now
-  Now :) 

> 19. I fear that…
> — someday, everyone will hate me
- I won't be able to obey God's plans for me

> 20. Kisses are the best when…
> — you closed your eyes and you do it with the person meant for you
- you feel it?

> 21. Today I…
> — will do something important
- will be productive! One step towards my goal! Yeahaaa!

22. Tonight I will…
> — have no sleep again?
- Sleep :)

23. Tomorrow I will…
> — go to class
- go to work.

24. I really want to…
> — finished all my requirements , have a rest with my fam and barkada, fall and love and grow
- finished my code task TT
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