Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

What to do on a rainy day?

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It was raining really hard in Manila, which is the reason why so many area's are flooded.
I didn't go to work because the flood is really deep outside, we didn't have an internet connection and the electricity is not stable.
Aside from playing in the rain, and spending time with SRD family. I suddenly have the urge to re-organized Sundae (my reliable external hard drive).
After an hours of re-organizing and deleting some duplicate data. I finally manage to create 5 main category ^^

One important category is the Movie & Series part ^^
And since it was mine, a part of fangirling should be created separately :D

It wasnt completely organize ^^
The picture part & music is not yet okay, and I already set another time to do it.
After the re-organizing, the 58 GB free space turns 112 GB ^^ Amazing ne?

P.S. I hope that the rain will stop. There are many families here in the Philippines who needed help, and many people are stranded because of the flood that is higher than some houses.
Please pray for the Philippines

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