Notes from a Plain Jane

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Coca Cola's Campaign: Let´s look at the world a little differently

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I was on tumblr (as always) when I stumble upon this amazing video created by Coca-Cola.

Being a cry baby that I am, I suddenly cry on how amusing this is. Often times, we used security camera’s to see what happened on our properties during the time when we can’t monitor this. We always thinks it’s for our own security (pun the name (doh)), because we are living in an dangerous world so we are really taking precautions. But watching these clips makes us realize that the world is not that ugly, we still do a lot of crazy but good things. The good people are still out there, but the media all shows the negative side of the world. I remember I heard someone said that the media most of time shows the negative side, as a sample if we will look at the morning newspaper, you can read that about 70% is negative things like robbery and poverty. They failed to show that the world is still beautiful.

I always love Coca Cola’s advertisement and projects. I remember last Christmas, they have a project where they let some OFW comes back to the Philippines, all expenses paid. I was crying my eyes out because of the goodness it shows.

Hat’s off to Coca Cola for always showing how great the world is despite of all the negativity. Only few companies will do that J
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