Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything


AN: Sorry for any grammatical error. Will still proof read this later, or please point it out ^^ I was so excited to post this that I haven't check everything very well :)
Done some proof reading (yay!) and edited it accordingly though I will not promise it doesn't have any grammatical mistake T.T Grammar and I are not the best of friends and I usually makes error on tenses, Aigoo, I wished I listen to my English Teacher more T.T
Please forgive any error and enjoy my random HeeDragon fanfic ^^


The unstoppable sound of vibration wake up his senses, he immediately reached the d**m phone vibrating on the bedside table using his left and free hand to avoid waking up the sweet girl who is making his right arm as her pillow.

Thinking of her, he carefully turned his head to watch her sleeping face as she keeps hugging him. A satisfied smile is visible in his face. If this is the sight he will see every time he wake up, his day will be much better; he wouldn’t throw a fist even though they will abruptly wake him up like usually happen when Seungri suddenly goes to his room to wake him up; but then if this will be the sight that he will see, he might probably wouldn’t want to leave the bed anymore and stay there as long as he could. Realizing where he's not fully awaken mind going creates a silent laugh that usually happen when you caught yourself remembering funny things alone.

He got back to reality when he felt that his phone vibrated again, the time when he realizes the reason why he was suddenly awake at 3:15 AM, as he checks on his wall clock.
He finally looks at the screen of his phone to check who the hell is interrupting his alone time with girlfriend.

His forehead automatically creases when he read that it was no other but their Maknae, SeungRi the Stinky Panda as what's written as his name and his picture that full of doodles that created by no other than her lovely girlfriend.

“Wae?” He immediately said in a low but whisper like voice when he accepted the call.

“HYUNG!! WHEREAREYOU? WHYAREYOUNOTANSWERINGMYCALL!!!” He said in a loud frantic voice that makes him wince and instantly check on the angel sleeping beside him; Seungri should thank his lucky charm that his girlfriend is a sleepy head or he will not know what he might do to him.

“Shh! Could you please lower your voice? You might wake her up!” He said in an authoritative voice that he doesn’t use usually while he was tightening his hug to her that makes me smile as if she really know what was happening.

“Tsk, Like what I am thinking, you are with her right now.” The maknae said in a matter of factly voice that sounded like he is confirming to himself what he think was right all along.

“Yah Seungri! Tell me immediately why you are calling at this time or I’ll hang up now” He was impatient now, looking at his girlfriend sleeping face makes him want to throw the phone and hide to the whole world.

“Hyung! Don’t!!! Our CEO might call you in within an hour! I know you miss her so much but you should have been careful!” Seungri’s voice sounds worried and nagging at the same time but that weren’t caught his entire attention.

CEO. Call him. At this hour. WHY?


“Hyung, is there any TV on where ever you are right now?”


“Open it and change it to the Entertainment Channel 14 and you will know why”

He did what he told, as soon as he gets the remote control on his bedside table, he lowered the volume and change it to the channel Seungri said.

He was surprised when the image that welcome his eyes was him and Sohee’s picture, and it’s not a simple picture because it was perfectly timed when he kissed her on the lips yesterday’s afternoon when he fetch her at her apartment.

The news caster informed their viewer where the picture was captured. She even told them that they are currently checking with JYP and YG Entertainment about this news so they need to tune in to hear additional updates on the hottest and the latest entertainment news.

He let go of a small laughter that confused the person on the other line.

“Hyung, have you gone crazy???” Seungri asked worriedly as he continues to hear some chuckles too.

“Hyung! I told you to be careful!!! Hyung please, where ever you are now please let me know so we can help you get out there! Hyung, calmed down!”

“Yah! Maknae! I’m perfectly fine” JiYong said to his frantic dongsaeng.

“Why are you laughing like a mad man a while ago and it do sounds like you wanted this to happen?”

“It is because I really wanted this to happen” He said as a matter of fact.

“Hyung you can’t be serious! What will happen to your fans? They are crazy about you, and you know that. They can be really really scary. And what will happen to Sohee’s fan? HYUNG! THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM!!! Aish! I told you multiple times to be careful! C-A-R-E-F-U-L”

“Seungri Ah! Don’t nag at me, like what I said a part of me wanted this to happen a long time ago. Sohee and I are already 7 years. Sunye has been happily married for 3 years in which their fans accepted it gleefully. Don’t worry too much; you know that VIP’s will forever support us right? And my fans already know about this years ago just like how your fans know that you are dating Sunmi” He said light heartedly.

“You just make me worry…tsk. Arasso, the other guys might call you too, just a while ago Taeyang Hyung called me and asked if I have reached you since you aren’t answering your phone. I also wonder if Sohee brings her phone, Sunmi is worried sick too because she’s not answering her phone. Even though she’s sleeping beside you, she can still hear her phone’s ringing, answer it please or leave a text message to Sunmi.”

“Her phone was in her bag, it’s on the sofa, and it’s on silent mode like mine. Tell Sunmi that she’s okay with me. And could you make a favor Panda? Tell the presidents, the rest of the guys and girls that I already know the news and will inform Sohee later. If they wanted my side, I do want to admit our relationship and date in public. I will turn off our phones for a while and will report to the President Yang house at 8 AM today okay?” He said while caressing Sohee’s cheek with his left thumb.

“Hyung! Do you really want to kill me? How could I say that to all of them T.T they probably roast me when you wouldn’t show your face here immediately!” His dongsaeng is whining, really know what will happen to him when he cascade his instruction.

“Hahaha, you are really smart Lee SeungHyun, but I know you could easily do that and they wouldn’t able to roast you, they will probably torture you first before putting you on fire” He said happily imaging Seungri being roasted on fire.

“I am not the one being on this scandal but why do I feel that you are passing the entire burden on me?” He said not an inch happy of what he just said earlier.

“ Because you are the man! Bye Seungri J Tell them 8 AM sharp at President Yang’s house, Sohee and I will be there. You know that President Yang and JYP-PDnim doesn’t call their employee at wee hours to disturb their resting artist when they know the truth, that’s why we have admitted this relationship as soon as Sohee agreed to be my girlfriend. Good Mornight Panda!” He gleefully said before he hangs up, hearing Bigbang’s Maknae sigh.

He just returned his phone to the table when Sohee moved and lazily open her eyes.

“Oppa…who just called you? She said while trying to open her eyes and fighting the sleepiness.

“The Stinky Panda” He said while lovingly hug the not so fully awake Mandu. He loved seeing her just waking up face, it looks so innocently cute and it always magnifies when she was fighting off her sleepiness.

“Oh? Why did he call at…nearly four in the morning” She said after checking the time and going back to her favorite pillow, his arms.

“Our secret has been out Ahn Sohee” He said watching her intently so he could see that immediate changes on her emotions.

A laughter filled the room as she looks at him wide eyed, mouth slightly open and in an instantly sitting position.

His back leaves the bed and sit across his girlfriend. He holds his girlfriend face and kissed her opened mouth. He kissed her so softly, so tenderly that she immediately closed her eyes; her arms find its way to his neck as she kissed him back.

JiYong stopped what they are doing to get some air and look at her eyes with so much love and passion before he kissed her again. Their gently and soft kisses suddenly become fiery with so much intensity that she just noticed that his hands are nowhere to be found on her face but currently touching her waist and reaching the hem of his shirt that she wore after their love making few hours ago.

“Oppaa…” She said in a whisper like voice that immediately makes him look at his beautiful girlfriend.

“Neh, Nabi ah..” He said before making a trail of kisses on her neck.

“Ji, what are we going to do now?” She said in an uncertain voice that makes him stop the trail that he is making on her sexy neck and holding her face and caressing it with his thumbs.

“What do you want us to do? If will decide, I wanted to tell everyone that you are mine so no one could make their attempt on you. I wanted to announce to all social sites that I have and entertainment portals that HeeDragon is real, not only real but on their 7th year and counting…” He said lovingly and ensuring that their eye contact wouldn’t break.

“And counting…” she repeated while cutting of their distance and giving him a light kiss.

“Yes, and counting. So don’t think that you could escape me easily woman! I have all the intention in the world to ensure that you will be mine” He said in a comically possessive voice that makes her laugh.

“Well, if you’re really convinced with that idea, I have no choice but to take you and make you mine too” She said in a singsong voice that matches his possessiveness.

“ Then it’s a deal! Tomorrow at 8 AM we will go to President Yang and tell them our decision to admit our relationship publicly” He said still keeping their eye contact and holding her hand tightly
“And you really set the time mister”

“Of course! I am Kwon Ji Yong! I have also told Seungri to relay that message to our Presidents and members and I already turned off my phone” He said bragging in front of her.

“So you already set everything up without consulting me mister, don’t tell me you already said that we will announce our relationship publicly” She said while crossing her arms, looking at him with intent gaze while pouting her lips.

“Not that part, I just said if they need my side, but knowing Seungri, he possibly said that we will announce our relationship. And I know you will agree to it, you want to claim me as yours as much as I want to tag you as mine” He said while giving her a very cute expression before hugging her tightly.

“Aish! You should be thankful that I love you Kwon Ji Yong!” She said while hugging him tighter.

“I am Princess, which is why I will treat to dinner whoever snapped our picture yesterday when I kissed you.”

“WHAT? So a paparazzi caught us yesterday?” She said while releasing to his embrace.

“Yes Nabi. And the picture was all over the Entertainment Portal. I really should treat whoever he or she is to a fine meal, they are the reason why I can now claim you publicly.” He kissed her again and this time it was hotter than what he gives to her earlier.

“I love you Ahn Sohee!” He said between their kisses.

“And I love you too” She responded with the same intensity that we all know where it lead to.

Seungri was bombarded with a lot of questions when he cascade their leader’s message. He knows that this will really happen and all he can do was assure everyone that at eight in the morning, the HeeDragon lovers will show up.

After this he will really ask a nice gift from his Hyung and Mandu, it’s not easy being the only one who has some information when a really big issue arise. He really feels that he will die later if his Hyung wouldn’t show up. Aish, he probably in heaven now with Sohee while he was the one having the taste of hell.

P.S. This happened in 2015 :) I hope you like it ^^

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Anonymous said...

wow.. i like it..Heedragon forever..

Anonymous said...

please make a lot heedragon fanfic... i really like it just like my dream for HD

Anonymous said...

I really love this...... ♥