Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything
Dear Mr President,

Today, millions of Filipino’s cast their both in hoping for a better Philippines.
Today will mark another ruler of my beloved country.
I am pretty sure that you are aware of how hype this election was, of how many memes of friendship being cut because one person doesn’t know how to shut up his mouth. I believe this election is different mainly because too many voters were more conscious with their action. They are more aware that changes will only happen if it starts within ourselves.

Mr President, I won’t dilly dally with the things you already know, I want this to be my personal letter to you. You see, I am 25 right now, still single and an optimist pessimist bella right now. In 6 years, I will turn 31, hopefully with my own family, by that time I hope the Philippines is much a discipline nation. A place where I will not be afraid of syndicates possibly doing something wrong with the people around me. A place where I won’t be afraid if my sister will text me that she will go home late, or afraid that a close friend/family will be a victim or user of drugs. I hope that the Philippines will be much okay than what we are right now. I hope for a better Philippines.

I know it is difficult to meet everyone expectation, you will have received thousands of negativities but I hope that you will continue to unite the county and provide better opportunities to our siblings and kids.

Mr President, good luck J
May God guide you in this 6 years of journey.

Respectfully yours,
One hopeful citizen

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