Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything
A tragic incident happened last week Friday(sept 6), our barangay captain was shot inside the barangay hall.
He was declared as dead after an hour from the time he was sent to the hospital.
The news was so sudden that I don't believe my sister when she told me, my mom talked to him an hour before that tragic event.

I am not close with him, but my family is.
I am actually grateful towards him because of all the help he provided.
And hearing this event happen brought fear and sadness to me.

I don't like death, though I have overcome my fear towards it and accepted that it will come one day, I still prefer not to think too much on this or else I wouldn't able to sleep peacefully and cry until my eyes hurts.

Yesterday, I went to his last wake where the family created a small program to remember him.
I didn't see the presentation because I went in late but I had a chance to listen to his family members' speeches. I think that it's good that I didn't watch it since I am pretty sure I will bawl and cry.
While listening to them, there is one thing that I observed and feel, the bitterness is so thick and sharp that it can slice you; and I cannot blame them.
As I sit there, I can understand why they are saying things like that. It is difficult to admit death, what more if it is accidental and so tragic like this. I know it's not good to compare but it is easier to accept if that person is old or sick, you can justify that it is natural and you want them to be free from this burden. But a sudden tragic death like someone shot your family member in an ordinary day, and the case is not yet close, that is something than can give anyone an ill feeling that no one wanted to feel.

Today is his burial day.
I didn't went with my parent and youngest sibling, along with people in our barangay in sending him off.
Our community is so silent right now because almost everyone went, and I think this is a great indication that his constituents respect and adore him.

I do wish that the criminals would be caught immediately and justice shall be served.
And I do hope that this is the last time.

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