Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

Third wheel

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I missed two schedules today because I overslept, so my mood is not so good.
I didn't even eat my lunch and just go to my best friend house to talk about random stuff and somehow lighten my pissed mood.
Her boyfriend is there and making his weekly visit so i somehow interrupt them but they don't mind. I'm such a lucky girl :)
Actually i just spend talking about Kpop, random stuff and things i want in front them like I usually does :) And it's my first time having that kind of afternoon with Mark. He's nice and more of like me :D, that is why i like him now for my best friend.Birds of the same feather flocks together.
It's refreshing having other person around you, though he said that i am spoiled and scary i still like him :) Plus   i found another travelling buddy :P

I am so excited on our EK trip :)
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