Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything
I love taking a pictures and I love playing infront of a camera, especially if its a webcam.
Though some laptops have webcam software with effects, there are still some that needed to download application separately to have this. Sadly, one of those laptop is mine.

But don't worry, you can have a cool pictures without the hassle of downloading.
The application is called Webcam Toy, its 100% online and have an option to share it on facebook or download it on your local machine, another good thing about this its free :)

Here's the home page, where you can see on the left pane the other apps on neave.

Once accessed, you can choose whether you wanted to see all the effects one by one (to try it ofcourse) or you wanted to see 9 different effects on your screen and choose what to try.

Here are some pictures that my sister took :)

If there was an event that I look forward other than family and friends gathering, its Shinhwa Philippines Meet-Up.

I first attended a meeting last 2010, when we are planning for ShinPhil booth on KPOP Con2. I was so excited that I wear an Orange blouse and feel silly after meeting the other members. It was a nice afternoon, and it is really amazing listening to their stories about each members and the experiences they had.

They have a meet up last May, but I failed to attend because we have a Company outing prior to the meeting date and my body was really exhausted.

So I told myself that I wouldn't miss another ShinPhil gathering. We meet at Subspace Cafe in Ortigas (Mind you, it is a cozy coffee shop that any kpop lover will like, please see it on my next entry). I was amazed by the number of people attended the event, I saw new and familiar faces which makes me feel really happy.

We spend the afternoon chitchatting about their Shinhwa Singapore trip, and what it will be on their 20th concert. I also listened who are the members favorite and why.

Its always nice being on a crowd of fangirls that can understand your feeling.
Shin Phil Imnida :) Arent we pretty?

P.S. We also celebrated Minwoo Oppa's birthday with amazing and fantastic cake ^^ It's impossible that ShinChang's Philippine will forget that :D

I missed two schedules today because I overslept, so my mood is not so good.
I didn't even eat my lunch and just go to my best friend house to talk about random stuff and somehow lighten my pissed mood.
Her boyfriend is there and making his weekly visit so i somehow interrupt them but they don't mind. I'm such a lucky girl :)
Actually i just spend talking about Kpop, random stuff and things i want in front them like I usually does :) And it's my first time having that kind of afternoon with Mark. He's nice and more of like me :D, that is why i like him now for my best friend.Birds of the same feather flocks together.
It's refreshing having other person around you, though he said that i am spoiled and scary i still like him :) Plus   i found another travelling buddy :P

I am so excited on our EK trip :)
Afternoon rains are my favorites. I always think that it's a chance to let my emo-side, the rain and its breeze is a perfect moment to read a book or think of life in general.
Way back in high school, I used to lie beside the window, open the radio to mellow station and spend my afternoon like that. Imagining things, thinking of what-ifs and could been. Thinking of a great love story to write and hoping that one day this could be true, when she's at the right age and ready for the magic called love.And she will feel contended, and hoping to have another afternoon blues again, with great music and rainy weather.
Years passed, and finally I have that luxury to stop my crazy life and enjoy this rainy afternoon breeze. Maybe it's one thing that Papa God wanted to tell me, that finally I'm beginning to go back and he loves to see this side of me.
The smell of air while raining, the sound it create and the gloomy weather makes me realized that I missed that little lady who dream that one day, the world will be hers. The sparks and determination in her eyes speaks the courage that she had. This atmosphere is very familiar that a tear wanted to escape. Funny right?
The 15 year old girl before is now a 21 year old me, and like her old habit, I read another amazing pocket novel that makes me wish I will have the same love as magical as what the lead character have. 
The rain finally stops, and the books ended, I just hope that I will have another magical rainy afternoon soon, when dreaming about love can be as idealistic as I imagine it will be:)
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