Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything

Happy Birthday Neffy Dud! :)

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Today, another special gift from Papa God is celebrating her birthday :) and I wanted to greet her in my own way:P
She is commonly known as Nef (since her fullname Neferteri Grace is uniquely beautiful that my classmate and I once mispronounce and called her Nefertiti :P Haha) my pretty and really slim friend :P

I known her since 2006, start of frosh days in College. We are not friends at first sight :) It tools almost a year before we clicked and another year before we got so close. Counting these, we are friends for more than 5 years and I may say that I am really really really glad being with a great friend like her :P
Nef and I don't have so many things in common except for our always on the Go Attitude and Crazy way of living. We are Gala partners, its really rare that you wouldn't see the both us on one group travel. We are the always available peeps :P and we are both the crazy one ^^ We did so many crazy thing together and I know we will create more crazy moments together :P

Maybe she doesn't know this but I always adore her, and awe about how pretty she is. I love how tactless she is, and will say the things you need to hear, whether its good or bad. She's the type who will forcefully open your eyes so you would listen to her when you asked for her advice. Though never said this to her in person, but I learn so many things from her. There are times where I wonder why I can't be as cool as her? But knowing myself I just laugh and said Nef is Cool, and I am the warm type hahaha :P

Kidding aside, I am so thankful that Papa God let our path crossed. There are so many things that I wish I had, but I never think to have another set of friends.Why would I when I already have the best ^^

Happy Birthday Dud!
Stay Pretty, Sexy and Smart :P Whatever you're going through right now, I hope you know that I am always here ^^

With Lots of Seductive Stares and Kisses,
Ellen ^^
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