Notes from a Plain Jane

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I wish for Kindness :)

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If there is one thing that everyone should wish for, its not peace, I think it should be kindness.
A trait where everyone should possess to achieve the peace we always wanted to have.

I do believe that everyone is kind in their own way, in their own time and in their own sense but most of the time we, people mask it.
We mask it in order to protect ourselves, and I cannot blame anyone about that.

I wasn't leaving so long in this life to say so many profound things but I lived long enough to understand why they say that the world is a one big jungle, and you need to think of yourself first. It wasn't easy being kind when there is a chance that people will betray you in the end, and at the end of the day it will be your fault for being so 'kind'. It wasn't easy standing on decision to be kind when you know that you will be hurt by the same reason. And we are all human here, we have our weakness and most of us are afraid of pain, especially emotional pain.

I have tried hardening my heart and be much wiser. By this I mean choosing the people whom I will be nice, and choose whose I will treat kind enough not be tagged as rude. But doing this, and observing what I feel makes me sad because I feel like betraying this child inside of me. This child that always believes that people are nice in nature and it will forever be that way but most of the time they hide it and I wanted to show them that it is okay to be kind :)

Though the earth is a big jungle and we can see it more clearly now that we are on the working class but if you observe people, just observe and you can still see that there are still people who are kind but not giving the spot light because we are busy looking at the things we think is much important.
I hope one day we could see on the telly, that 50% of the shows talks about kindness, I bet people will be much happier to be tagged as kind (and not as a weakling because they are kind)

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