Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything
Yesterday, April 24, 2012 was a very sad day for my family. My Lola Rosa passed away. After a year of battle, a week at the hospital she finally bid goodbye to us.

Last Sunday, I dreamed of her. On that dream, I heard the news that she died,and they already buried her without me. I remember crying in hysteria and keep saying Lola. I woke up crying. I think that is her way of saying I shouldn't go on my Baguio trip this weekend. Then come Monday, I was on my way home when I suddenly remember her and I started crying, that is unusual because whenever I think of her, I remember how strongwilled she is. With that moment, I suddenly think that maybe God will get her soon, and its her way of saying I should be okay. I think, those two days is her way of saying goodbye, and a reminder that I should be strong. 

When I woke up yesterday, my cousin told my sister that our lola passed away. I don't cry in an instant, on my mind i know that I already expected it. My Lola readied me on this news. But when I was walking to my mom, tears slowly falling. So when my mom asked me if I will buy a dress for her, I instantly say yes and never doubt that I will buy her a new dress. My Lola loves new clothes from me, she always says that I am nice and she loves me so much. I immediately went to my Tita and told her that I will buy Lola a new dress, I saw the old white dress of my lola and I told my Tita that my lola won't be wearing that torn white dress. She deserved better.

I go home , get dressed and woke up my brother. During that time, tears falls. My brother told me not to cry, its better this way. Atleast our grandmom finally find peace and she is already with God. He also told me that our Lola feel how much we love her when she's still alive. That reasoning makes me relax, and somehow I stop the falling tears. My brother told me that my little sister is crying while waking him up earlier.

My Mom and I went to buy a nice pair of dressed for her. My mom told me that when she wake up yesterday, around 5:00 AM she heard someone opening our gate. She immediately checked it because she think my father finally went home, but when she checked, it's still locked. My mom said that she thinks my Lola went home, when she was stronger she always opened our gate and checked for my dad. That story alone makes me cry on the jeepney, I know its stupid but my tearducks can't help it.

Its around 5:00 when my Lola's coffin arrived on the small chapel on our area. My three cousins looks at her, she looks so lovely actually. Its the first time I saw her with make-up one, and if she's still alive, she will be very happy at that. My cousins silently cry while looking at her, that time, my tears starts to fall too. I saw my sister crying on myside. I feel so sad on that moment, my 9 yrs old sister was one of the people who always watched my lola. She and my cousin Darwin are the one who always talks to her, and ask whether she's okay. My sister always remember to buy a diaper for her whenever we went to supermarket. and she always told me how her day with Lola. I don't spend much time looking at my grandmom because tears keeps on falling. 

I know my Lola Rosa doesnt want to see me cry. I remember I was 8 years old and my mom disciplined me with a hanger. I was crying so much and go to her, she told me not to cry because I won't look so pretty. My Lola is the one who listen to my stories growing up. She's so proud whenever I gave her my new set of powerpuff drawing and praised me. She's my secret confidant. 

I used to be alone before, because of things that going to my family. There was the time when I attended my first Girls Scout oath taking, and my parents can't attend because of reasons I cannot remember. I wanted to cry because I am the only Girls Scout out there who doesnt have any one with. Before I left our house and be a thirdwheel on my friend and her parents, I saw my lola dressed in simple duster. She told me that she will come with me because she will never missed the opportunity to see me saying my promises to be a good scout. I was crying after that because I know that my lola cared for me, and i thank her deeply.

Growing up, there are things that I understand about my family. There are times when I felt so neglected by her. There are times when I saw her caring more about her favorite grand children. But nevertheless, whenever I remember those time when no one wants to listen to me, she's there encouraging me to tell tales. There is a time when I promise her that i will be great, and she doesn't even think twice to believe in me.

Seeing her lying on that coffin always brings tears to my eyes. Seeing her old bed, and how she love the chocolates I bring her makes me want to bawl. But I don't think she will look that. I know right now she's looking at me, she's checking each of her family. And I wanted the world to know how much I love her. And if there is one fault she have, it is loving her family too much. 

Lola, I know that I will still cry at night remembering so many things about you, but always remember that I am crying because I'll miss you and I am happy that finally you are with Papa God's side.

Please guide Papa ha :) You know naman how much we cared for him. Love you Lola, till the time we see each other again , promise I'll still bring lots of chocolates:D I'll be forever your little Jane :)
Lately I found myself watching Phineas and Ferb whenever I had time. My parents doesnt find it weird, because according to them 'Cartoons and Jane' are inseparable. They do have a point though, but eversince I started to hook with Korean Entertainment, I just watch cartoons whenever I catch them on TV. But me searching the episode on youtube whenever I need to balance whatever I am doing is soooo unusual.
Oh well, it just feel like the hidden cartoon enthusiast Jane is starting to resurface again, and I don't complain :) I actually called my younger sister to watch with me :P

Currently, I started to draw them (I'll post the picture soon) and memorized their Opening Theme Song :D
My sister told me one time that I am a bigger fan than she is, and she's 9 T__T But I don't care that much :d I have this weird inclination with Genius Characters  and plots!

P.S. I love Dexter Lab too!
Maybe I am overdose with Shinhwa's fangirling that they appear again on my dream. Yes, I dream about Shinhwa, and on that dream ERIC is sitting on my right side  and he is not even my bias! Haha <3 Dongwannie is .05 higher on my ranking, they are all tie except for that .05 increase hohohoho! But I only see him on a split second. Oh well, ERIC is still ERIC! 

Back to my dream, its like a reality date show, like Love Letter but there are many girls! I actually don't know if I'm one of the contestant (but most probably not). I only remember some scene like a stage with pillars, each pillar you can see the six member saying FIGHTING, and then they disappear. (The only sighting of Dongwannie OPPPA) 

On the next & last scene, Its on a room that has mirror wall, like a dance studio but too small to be one. I think there are 5 to 6 girls excluding me. Eric is on the room with us, he is on my right side (So near right??:D) across on his sit, I noticed someone really pretty and familiar. That person actually doesn't care about what's happening on the room. Actually me and that lady doesn't care that Eric is on the room with us.(T__T I maybe sane on my dream, imagine! I dont really care about ERIC on the room with me T__T ). I remember I was doing my blowfish face while looking on the mirror across me and saying how dark my skin is and how much stress I am going in that moment. The familiar lady is comfortable crossing her legs and looking at her phone. While the other girls is asking Eric so many questions. It's actually funny because I saw Eric being the usual 4D sitting and asking the other girls. I think I am one of the 'show's'  staff. After sometime, Eric suddenly stands and bid goodbye. The other girls are asking for a KISS before he  goes outside the room, its really weird that Eric immediately agree but says he will only kiss one girl. After saying that, he walk across and kiss the familiar girl's forehead. I was shocked when I remember who's that lady. It's Hwangbo! And that's the end of it T_T 

When I realized what my dream is, I laugh at myself. I always wanted Hwangbo to end up with one of the Shinhwa Member, specifically Jinnie! Haha. HopeI will dream about Hwangbo & Jinnie soon! or any encounter with Shinhwa member. :D

This is how Hwangbo look like on my dream. Though her hair is shorter and just straight.
While Eric is dress like Kangwoo rather than the hip hop comfortable him.

After I finished Glee Season 1, I just watch it whenever I catch it on ETC for some random time. Yes, I am not an avid fan of the story after Season 1, though I love the covers ^^. And today is one of those time. Though I only catch near the end, I finally saw Matt Bomer singing along with Darren Criss I love their version of Someone That I used to know, but I didn't go gaga over his voice immediately. The Chuck fan girl in me immediately comes out, and the first thing I shout was "BRYCE LARKIN! YOUR ALIVE!! I CRY FOR YOU!" then my brother tells me that i was watching GLEE not CHUCKThat is the time when I realized he sound great and I really really like it :)

But honestly, their production wasn't the thing that made me create this post,it's Matt Bomer's height :D
I noticed when he was singing with Darren, that he is actually tall, taller than Darren, which I thought is really tall -which he is- since when I saw Glee he's one of the tall peeps there. And being the curious me -and finally realized that I never searched their heights (Chuck & Glee Cast)- I actually searched Darren's height and he is 5'8 while Matt is in 5'11.

I was shocked to know that Matt is 5'11 since when I was watching Chuck I keep saying that he looks short with Sarah, since I always love to look at Chuck towering Sarah.

I forgot the Sarah is one giant goddess 
When I realized this, I was actually laughing at myself. I always know that Chuck and Adam is really tall, but this is the only time when I finally think about Chuck Cast Heights. And I only come to one conclusion. Chuck cast are mostly Giants!!!!, except for Vik & Josh :P

Another conclusion I realized was, I really miss CHUCK!! :)
Hi People :)

I was thinking of a good article to write, or maybe a guideline to post that can help people.
I was actually thinking to post techy stuff, but i am not that techy and I am currently struggling at that aspect of mylife, so I decide to write something that I enjoyed ever since 2008. And that is Fangirling :P So I will write a bits of things that can help new Kpop Fangirls out there, and I will call it Kpop Fangirl 101 Yeah, I sucks at naming things.

Just a short background As if I am on interview haha, my mom said ever since I was young, I tend to be a fan of things like a TV shows, artist and the likes. I remember back in my elementary days, I was so in love to watch shows, that I memorize all the shows for the week on my favorite channels such as Discovery, HBO, Disney, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Star Movies, Cinema One, and some others that I cannot remember.]

I was in high school when I first admit that I was a fan of Hilary Duff from Lizzie McGuire that I cry when I didnt watch her movie T_T. That is the same time when I was super crazy with Anime's that I make sure I will go home from school on time to watch AXN.

It was in 2008 that I realize my full potential as an Asian Kpop Fangirl (I sound as if I possess a great power). I first heard the song Nobody from a bunch of Korean Volunteer from the NGO I belonged. I am self-confessed music noob, before I start my journey to Kpop, most of the songs I know are from 80's or 90's. The song genre that my parents appreciate, and that is the only songs I know T__T, I am not a person who enjoy music aswell. Going back to Nobody, when I heard it I like the melody, it's fun and I feel like I want to dance. I asked a Korean Volunteer what the song title is, and she said Nobody by Wondergirls.

As soon as I went home, I opened my PC, and googled Nobody, then I clicked on Tell Me, up until it lead me to BigBang, which I called weird at first, and now I am also obsessed with. Then I heard about Suju, DBSK, SNSD, to First Idols, S.E.S., Shinhwa, g.o.d., H.O.T, Fin kl etc, and the rest was history.

Counting the years, I've been a Kpop fangirl for almost 4 years. And I am a proud, Wonderful, V.I.P. and Shinhwa Changjo :P

Though I love those three fandoms to death, I also love Miss A, Secret, T-ARA, Kara and a bunch of Kpop Idols and variety shows :P

On the next post, I will post the list of Kpop Idols :P
Graveyard Friendship, that is what my high school friends called our relationship.
It's actually begun way back in College days. Most of us went to different schools, and the only time we had are during weekends, or night time. I usually spend sleepless nights with them, but it's okay. We only seen each other twice or thrice every two months.

After our college days,  everyone is now working on their fields, but we haven't let go of our *graveyard* tradition. We usually see each other during holidays, weekends and a few weekdays but all of those meeting happens on night time :P, So up to now, we are all jokingly called ourselves as graveyard friends, were our meeting starts at 6:00 P.M and usually ends at 1-2:00 AM the other day :P

If you are wondering what are the things we usually do that time, well, we talk about life in general :) (Because were awesome like that :) Joke^^) Actually we talk about things that I think most of our age will all be chatting about like:
  • Update/News about our high school batchmates, friends, or teachers.
  • Career
  • Love Life
  • Current Generation (Because we sometimes feel too old T__T)
  • Cartoons and TV shows :P
  • Fangirlings (Yes, they all give in to my whims! )
  • Book
  • Movies
  • Plans for outing/bonding etc
  • Problems and Advices
Actually, all the meetings are like high school all over again :) The silly laughter and the old love teams. The stuff we would like to do, and we already did. We actually talk about anything.

Honestly, one time we said that there is something special about high school friendships, and that is everyone is a witness to everyone's changes, be it physically or emotionally. All of you grew together at the same time. You all meet at the point where things are changing rapidly, a point in your life when you realized that you are growing up. And your high school friends see that, you also see them change. Spending time with them is like going back to the silly and young you, but at the same time you are looking at the new you. Its a fusion of then and now, something your college buddies never see.

Maybe the biggest change from then to now, is our talks usually have a bottle of alcohol. Though I must admit that alcohol brings a lot funny things on a conversation :) Base from experience. Other than that, it always feel like I am the old Ellen, where I don't think what others will think of me, and I just laugh all the silliness :P

I am so glad that I have my Graveyard friends:P 

P.S. Just went home from another shift ^^ We plan to have another one this sunday :) 

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