Notes from a Plain Jane

Random Writings about anything
AN: Sorry for any grammatical error. Will still proof read this later, or please point it out ^^ I was so excited to post this that I haven't check everything very well :)
Done some proof reading (yay!) and edited it accordingly though I will not promise it doesn't have any grammatical mistake T.T Grammar and I are not the best of friends and I usually makes error on tenses, Aigoo, I wished I listen to my English Teacher more T.T
Please forgive any error and enjoy my random HeeDragon fanfic ^^


The unstoppable sound of vibration wake up his senses, he immediately reached the d**m phone vibrating on the bedside table using his left and free hand to avoid waking up the sweet girl who is making his right arm as her pillow.

Thinking of her, he carefully turned his head to watch her sleeping face as she keeps hugging him. A satisfied smile is visible in his face. If this is the sight he will see every time he wake up, his day will be much better; he wouldn’t throw a fist even though they will abruptly wake him up like usually happen when Seungri suddenly goes to his room to wake him up; but then if this will be the sight that he will see, he might probably wouldn’t want to leave the bed anymore and stay there as long as he could. Realizing where he's not fully awaken mind going creates a silent laugh that usually happen when you caught yourself remembering funny things alone.

He got back to reality when he felt that his phone vibrated again, the time when he realizes the reason why he was suddenly awake at 3:15 AM, as he checks on his wall clock.
He finally looks at the screen of his phone to check who the hell is interrupting his alone time with girlfriend.

His forehead automatically creases when he read that it was no other but their Maknae, SeungRi the Stinky Panda as what's written as his name and his picture that full of doodles that created by no other than her lovely girlfriend.

“Wae?” He immediately said in a low but whisper like voice when he accepted the call.

“HYUNG!! WHEREAREYOU? WHYAREYOUNOTANSWERINGMYCALL!!!” He said in a loud frantic voice that makes him wince and instantly check on the angel sleeping beside him; Seungri should thank his lucky charm that his girlfriend is a sleepy head or he will not know what he might do to him.

“Shh! Could you please lower your voice? You might wake her up!” He said in an authoritative voice that he doesn’t use usually while he was tightening his hug to her that makes me smile as if she really know what was happening.

“Tsk, Like what I am thinking, you are with her right now.” The maknae said in a matter of factly voice that sounded like he is confirming to himself what he think was right all along.

“Yah Seungri! Tell me immediately why you are calling at this time or I’ll hang up now” He was impatient now, looking at his girlfriend sleeping face makes him want to throw the phone and hide to the whole world.

“Hyung! Don’t!!! Our CEO might call you in within an hour! I know you miss her so much but you should have been careful!” Seungri’s voice sounds worried and nagging at the same time but that weren’t caught his entire attention.

CEO. Call him. At this hour. WHY?


“Hyung, is there any TV on where ever you are right now?”


“Open it and change it to the Entertainment Channel 14 and you will know why”

He did what he told, as soon as he gets the remote control on his bedside table, he lowered the volume and change it to the channel Seungri said.

He was surprised when the image that welcome his eyes was him and Sohee’s picture, and it’s not a simple picture because it was perfectly timed when he kissed her on the lips yesterday’s afternoon when he fetch her at her apartment.

The news caster informed their viewer where the picture was captured. She even told them that they are currently checking with JYP and YG Entertainment about this news so they need to tune in to hear additional updates on the hottest and the latest entertainment news.

He let go of a small laughter that confused the person on the other line.

“Hyung, have you gone crazy???” Seungri asked worriedly as he continues to hear some chuckles too.

“Hyung! I told you to be careful!!! Hyung please, where ever you are now please let me know so we can help you get out there! Hyung, calmed down!”

“Yah! Maknae! I’m perfectly fine” JiYong said to his frantic dongsaeng.

“Why are you laughing like a mad man a while ago and it do sounds like you wanted this to happen?”

“It is because I really wanted this to happen” He said as a matter of fact.

“Hyung you can’t be serious! What will happen to your fans? They are crazy about you, and you know that. They can be really really scary. And what will happen to Sohee’s fan? HYUNG! THIS IS A BIG PROBLEM!!! Aish! I told you multiple times to be careful! C-A-R-E-F-U-L”

“Seungri Ah! Don’t nag at me, like what I said a part of me wanted this to happen a long time ago. Sohee and I are already 7 years. Sunye has been happily married for 3 years in which their fans accepted it gleefully. Don’t worry too much; you know that VIP’s will forever support us right? And my fans already know about this years ago just like how your fans know that you are dating Sunmi” He said light heartedly.

“You just make me worry…tsk. Arasso, the other guys might call you too, just a while ago Taeyang Hyung called me and asked if I have reached you since you aren’t answering your phone. I also wonder if Sohee brings her phone, Sunmi is worried sick too because she’s not answering her phone. Even though she’s sleeping beside you, she can still hear her phone’s ringing, answer it please or leave a text message to Sunmi.”

“Her phone was in her bag, it’s on the sofa, and it’s on silent mode like mine. Tell Sunmi that she’s okay with me. And could you make a favor Panda? Tell the presidents, the rest of the guys and girls that I already know the news and will inform Sohee later. If they wanted my side, I do want to admit our relationship and date in public. I will turn off our phones for a while and will report to the President Yang house at 8 AM today okay?” He said while caressing Sohee’s cheek with his left thumb.

“Hyung! Do you really want to kill me? How could I say that to all of them T.T they probably roast me when you wouldn’t show your face here immediately!” His dongsaeng is whining, really know what will happen to him when he cascade his instruction.

“Hahaha, you are really smart Lee SeungHyun, but I know you could easily do that and they wouldn’t able to roast you, they will probably torture you first before putting you on fire” He said happily imaging Seungri being roasted on fire.

“I am not the one being on this scandal but why do I feel that you are passing the entire burden on me?” He said not an inch happy of what he just said earlier.

“ Because you are the man! Bye Seungri J Tell them 8 AM sharp at President Yang’s house, Sohee and I will be there. You know that President Yang and JYP-PDnim doesn’t call their employee at wee hours to disturb their resting artist when they know the truth, that’s why we have admitted this relationship as soon as Sohee agreed to be my girlfriend. Good Mornight Panda!” He gleefully said before he hangs up, hearing Bigbang’s Maknae sigh.

He just returned his phone to the table when Sohee moved and lazily open her eyes.

“Oppa…who just called you? She said while trying to open her eyes and fighting the sleepiness.

“The Stinky Panda” He said while lovingly hug the not so fully awake Mandu. He loved seeing her just waking up face, it looks so innocently cute and it always magnifies when she was fighting off her sleepiness.

“Oh? Why did he call at…nearly four in the morning” She said after checking the time and going back to her favorite pillow, his arms.

“Our secret has been out Ahn Sohee” He said watching her intently so he could see that immediate changes on her emotions.

A laughter filled the room as she looks at him wide eyed, mouth slightly open and in an instantly sitting position.

His back leaves the bed and sit across his girlfriend. He holds his girlfriend face and kissed her opened mouth. He kissed her so softly, so tenderly that she immediately closed her eyes; her arms find its way to his neck as she kissed him back.

JiYong stopped what they are doing to get some air and look at her eyes with so much love and passion before he kissed her again. Their gently and soft kisses suddenly become fiery with so much intensity that she just noticed that his hands are nowhere to be found on her face but currently touching her waist and reaching the hem of his shirt that she wore after their love making few hours ago.

“Oppaa…” She said in a whisper like voice that immediately makes him look at his beautiful girlfriend.

“Neh, Nabi ah..” He said before making a trail of kisses on her neck.

“Ji, what are we going to do now?” She said in an uncertain voice that makes him stop the trail that he is making on her sexy neck and holding her face and caressing it with his thumbs.

“What do you want us to do? If will decide, I wanted to tell everyone that you are mine so no one could make their attempt on you. I wanted to announce to all social sites that I have and entertainment portals that HeeDragon is real, not only real but on their 7th year and counting…” He said lovingly and ensuring that their eye contact wouldn’t break.

“And counting…” she repeated while cutting of their distance and giving him a light kiss.

“Yes, and counting. So don’t think that you could escape me easily woman! I have all the intention in the world to ensure that you will be mine” He said in a comically possessive voice that makes her laugh.

“Well, if you’re really convinced with that idea, I have no choice but to take you and make you mine too” She said in a singsong voice that matches his possessiveness.

“ Then it’s a deal! Tomorrow at 8 AM we will go to President Yang and tell them our decision to admit our relationship publicly” He said still keeping their eye contact and holding her hand tightly
“And you really set the time mister”

“Of course! I am Kwon Ji Yong! I have also told Seungri to relay that message to our Presidents and members and I already turned off my phone” He said bragging in front of her.

“So you already set everything up without consulting me mister, don’t tell me you already said that we will announce our relationship publicly” She said while crossing her arms, looking at him with intent gaze while pouting her lips.

“Not that part, I just said if they need my side, but knowing Seungri, he possibly said that we will announce our relationship. And I know you will agree to it, you want to claim me as yours as much as I want to tag you as mine” He said while giving her a very cute expression before hugging her tightly.

“Aish! You should be thankful that I love you Kwon Ji Yong!” She said while hugging him tighter.

“I am Princess, which is why I will treat to dinner whoever snapped our picture yesterday when I kissed you.”

“WHAT? So a paparazzi caught us yesterday?” She said while releasing to his embrace.

“Yes Nabi. And the picture was all over the Entertainment Portal. I really should treat whoever he or she is to a fine meal, they are the reason why I can now claim you publicly.” He kissed her again and this time it was hotter than what he gives to her earlier.

“I love you Ahn Sohee!” He said between their kisses.

“And I love you too” She responded with the same intensity that we all know where it lead to.

Seungri was bombarded with a lot of questions when he cascade their leader’s message. He knows that this will really happen and all he can do was assure everyone that at eight in the morning, the HeeDragon lovers will show up.

After this he will really ask a nice gift from his Hyung and Mandu, it’s not easy being the only one who has some information when a really big issue arise. He really feels that he will die later if his Hyung wouldn’t show up. Aish, he probably in heaven now with Sohee while he was the one having the taste of hell.

P.S. This happened in 2015 :) I hope you like it ^^

1. All successful relationships require some work. – They don’t just happen, or maintain themselves.  They exist and thrive when the parties involved take the risk of sharing what it is that’s going on in their minds and hearts.  Open communication and honesty is the key. 
2. Most of the time you get what you put in. – If you want love, give love.  If you want friends, be friendly.  If you’d like to feel understood, try being more understanding.  It’s a simple practice that works.
3. You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot in someone’s life. – Never force someone to make a space in their life for you, because if they know your worth, they will create one for you.
4. There is a purpose for everyone you meet. – Some people will test you, some will use you, and some will teach you; but most importantly some will bring out the best in you.  Learn to see and accept the differences between these people, and carry on accordingly.
5. We all change, and that’s okay. – Our needs change with time.  When someone says, “You’ve changed,” it’s not always a bad thing.  Sometimes it just means you stopped living your life their way.  Don’t apologize for it.  Instead, be open and sincere, explain how you feel, and keep doing what you know in your heart is right.
6. You are in full control of your own happiness. – If your relationship with yourself isn’t working, don’t expect your other relationships to be any different.  Nobody else in this world can make you happy.  It’s something you have to do on your own.  And you have to create your own happiness first before you can share it with someone else. 
7. Forgiving others helps YOU. – Forgiveness is not saying, “What you did to me is okay.”  It is saying, “I’m not going to let what you did to me ruin my happiness forever.”  Forgiveness is the answer.  It doesn’t mean you’re erasing the past, or forgetting what happened. It means you’re letting go of the resentment and pain, and instead choosing to learn from the incident and move on with your life.
8. You can’t change people; they can only change themselves. – Instead of trying to change others, give them your support and lead by example.  If there’s a specific behavior someone you love has that you’re hoping disappears over time, it probably won’t.  If you really need them to change something, be honest and put all the cards on the table so this person knows what you need them to do.
9. Heated arguments are a waste of time. – The less time you spend arguing with the people who hurt you, the more time you’ll have to love the people who love you.  And if you happen to find yourself arguing with someone you love, don’t let your anger get the best of you.  Give yourself some time to calm down and then gently discuss the situation. 

For me, it is really a memorable day:)
I've got a critical ticket while enjoying lunch at Yabu T.T with team mates. We dine out since at the evening we will have our company Christmas party, and after I ate, the ticket come to our queue. I never knew that eating such delicious meal can make me this tireeedddd..
So for the whole day, this is the summary of what happened to me.

  • I've received an unexpected call from my new manager *yay! we haven't even talk yet and here's the first thing we encounter*
  • For three years, this is the first time I work during Christmas party. I went out the event to find a plug since we doesn't have it on our table and we are working using laptop T.T I've borrowed my team mates laptop because mine was dead T.T
  • I've missed a total of more than 10 calls from my team lead and customer because of poor internet connection and I didn't notice that someone is calling me because I was too occupied by the issue.
  • I didn't won any price T.T
  • And lastly I did not have the chance to eatttt :(
But it wasn't as bad as what happened to me last year with all self issues :P And I actually learn something on my new role, I also spend some time again with my new team mates and saw my previous team! ^^
I was able to wander around MOA alone hehe.
And my name didn't call while I was outside, I will be devastated if that happens haha.

Dear Santa,

Though I never believe that you are a real, but I know I have friends out there that wanted to act as you so I will post my wishlist in case they are wondering what I want this Christmas.

I've been a good girl this year ^^ So could you please give me these?

The Tanso Slumbook by Witty Will Save The World
I badly wanted to have this cute crazy Slumbook :P I heard from their page that it was already sold out on their multiply page and only available at some NBS, please buy me this ^^

If you can't find the Tanso Slumbook, you could buy me this one The Tsismosang Perpetual Planner for All Seasons ^^ This is also created by Tita Willy of Witty Will Save The World. 

In The Garden of Thoughts by Dodinsky. I'm not sure if this is available on our bookstores, but you can check it here.

GD one of a kind Album, you can buy it at Odyssey Music Store.

Don't give me any planner as I already ordered one from Tita Willy :D
If you have more money could you please buy me any of these? You can contact me or ship it to my house or I can order it and you only need to pay :P hihihi

 Nikon Lens 

Roundtrip Ticket to Korea

VIP ticket to Bigbang BigShow 2013 :D 

VIP ticket to Shinhwa's 15th Anniversary Concert :P

Tablet or Kindle :D

But if you just wanted to make me happy without spending much, I will really love it if you could give me a Christmas Card with hand written letter :P I don't want a printed one just because.


Ellen ^^

We’re just friends.
I still remember the first time I said this.
We are on our PE class and waiting for our teacher to return when one of our classmate tease us because your helping me tie the lace of my shoe again, and being the hot tempered me, I shouted it to end the unnecessary noise that they are creating.
We were high school sophomores back then.

We’re just friends.
I blurted this again five years after that PE incident, and this time I was announcing it to the whole drama club with my hands on the air after they create a fuss when I was running to hug you because I saw a mouse near the stage.
My temper doesn’t change much after some years, and after letting them tagged as us their official love team, I have this feeling that I needed to clarify things to them.
We were college juniors then.

We’re just friends.
I said these words again but this time in a drunken state.
A high school friend even has a video of me saying this like a song, repeating it over and over again on a tune only I can decipher.
You we’re holding and pacifying me again as always.
I really can’t remember what happened after; all I know is that I wanted them to realize that we are just friends, nothing more, nothing less so I made a foolish attempt and sing that line all over again.
We are on our first year after college graduation, a first official high school get together that I really messed up.

We’re just friends.
Two years ago, and this is the phrase I consistently said to my officemates who also consistently asking me if we’re an item.
And every time I said this, they never believe me. They often told me that I’m in denial, no friends will consistently fetch a friend who works a city away just to driver her home.
Aside from being hot tempered, my pushy trait doesn’t change as well so I always ask you to tell them we’re just friends. Really just friends.
We are three years on the field then.

We’re just friends.
I also remember the first time I heard you say that phrase voluntarily.
I didn’t know what to feel then. That time, I prove that it’s really possible to feel an imaginary heart attack. You know you’re heart is still beating but it doesn’t feel like it is. You are okay, but in your head you need someone to call an ambulance or you will die.
That happened two years ago, when we are at the mall and we bump to this pretty lady.

We’re just friends.
6 months after the mall incident, I said this.
These familiar words that I keep saying repeatedly over the years felt strange when I said it that day. It feels like my favorite candy is now cutting my mouth, but I can’t throw it because the person who give it to me is looking really hopeful. That’s how I feel that day, these words that I am familiar with feels like a knife coming out from my system that cutting me when I said this, but I cannot keep quiet when you look at me and begging to clear the misunderstanding I unintentionally created.
The pretty lady saw me bear hugging you on your living room while burying my face on your back like I usually does when I feel sad, and she read it as what the ordinary people see. Not so friendly like.
You immediately untangled my hands and said clear the misunderstanding, and that end from me saying that phrase so sincerely that I fooled even myself.

They really are ‘just’ friends.
I heard this couple of times today, and for the first time after a long time I wanted to be the hot temper girl again who doesn’t can say things she wanted to say.
That pushy young lady who will get the answer or words I wanted to hear.
It’s been a year from the time I realized that we are not ‘just’ friends, I feel more than that and I am the only one to blame why we never get out of that zone.
The fool me who never look at you after I said that phrase or get that phrase out of your mouth to prove my point.
The fool me who was so afraid to lose you when the more than friends phase came so I opt to choose not rock our friendship boat and  unintentionally persuade you to do the same because I let you feel that we can only have a smooth sailing both, or a river that could drown us. No sailing against the wind or using a life jacket that will ensure us to reach the shore.
And from that foolishness, it brings us here; it finally brings me here, to the place I keep on mentioning.

See! We’re just friends.
I ended my sweet speech with this, as I hold my wine glass and asking everyone for a toast to celebrate the engagement of my dear friend and the pretty lady.
The wine taste bitter, and I love how it sympathize with what I feel now.
This is the last time I will said this, the last time in which I have the rights to tell people about this.
Nothing left for the two us but just be friends.
It was a shocking news to me.
I just woke up and check allkpop for some news when I read their headline about dearest LeaderMin marriage.

I have read in Soompi about JYP's official press release for this.
Some fans said that she even wrote this on her blog page, but I havent seen any news for that.
Like other fans, I have this bugging suspicion that maybe she is pregnant but the company immediately deny this and said that if our LeaderMin is pregnant, they wouldn't announce this news widely (which is a valid argument :))

Ofcourse, fans reaction are mixed on this one because it doesn't only involve Wondergirls leader but the whole group as well since they are active and their is an ongoing US Debut.

For a wonderful like me, I can sincerely say I am trully happy for Sunye. We all know that she deserve this kind of happiness after everything. But another part of me ask the question what happened to the group and the rest of the members. Though JYP said that they will focus on solo activities, i am still worried that it might be an early disbandment or it could trigger that.

Actually, this news is more of a win win situation with a little losses.
For me the losses involves their US album and a bit bitterness with Sunmi's department.
But it the win-win situation is much bigger because:

  • It is a proof that JYP value their artists happiness and choice
  • Sunye found the happiness she deserve
  • The rest of the members can pursue a solo career for time being, which will serve as an advantage since they can try it because we all know that being in an idol group is not a forever path, unless they can be Shinhwa
  • This is a record breaking news :) It's a first time that an active idol will get married and continue being in an idol group
  • This served as an inspiration to all the idol's who wanted to do the same :)
Whatever it is, I sincerely wish the best for my favorite group! Wondergirls :)
I don't think this is the end of them :) For me, they have this amazing charms that you can always accept them whatever things they will do because they are only seeking for their own happiness too, a part where shows that they are the same as us. 
And I think this decision doesn't solely come from Sunye, we all know how great leader she is and she will not do something that will badly affect the group. 
So to all people who think she is selfish, think again and try to fit in on her shoes. You could easily understand her reason then, and Yubin, Ye Eun, Lim, Sohee and Sunmi supports her 100%, why can't we right?

Author's Note: I started this one shot last October 25 (which is pretty obvious haha) but I just completed it yesterday.
Please excuse my grammatical errors (do point it out if you spot some so I can edit it :)
Don't throw anything from me, I'm just an ordinary fangirl lost in her own world :) 
I also post this at Soompi :) 

Their Alive Tour in Manila has been completed yesterday and they are now at Malaysia for their next stop.
He’s usually happy after every concert, they are all.
His mood is really bright on the plane going to Malaysia that he even allowed SeungRi to touch his baggage and used his accessories. But everything went down after he seen that news.
And it doesn’t get better as the time past, in fact it gets worsen that what it was every time he heard that stupid voicemail prompt.

A collective sigh has been released after the sound of closing door.
The four people who made that, especially the two maknae suddenly realized the value of freedom and free will after almost an hour of restricting and carefully selecting what they will say.
‘TOP Hyung, what really happened to JiYong Hyung?” softly asked by the curious Daesung whose oblivious to what’s the specific reason why his hyung got mad, but sensitive enough to not rock the boat.
“Asked SeungRi or Taeyang, I was busy playing when I heard him cursed”
“I don’t know anything. Ri, do you know why? You’re the last person he interacts with. Tell us what you did wrong” carefully said by Taeyang, who also controlling his voice to ensure that they wouldn’t any more anger to the dragon residing on the other door.
“I DID NOT DO ANYTHING!” Seungri defensively said, that makes the rest jump and run to him just to cover his mouth.
“SHHHH!!!” The three guys said.
“Okay okay! I know, softly, softly!” the maknae said.
“I don’t know as well hyung. I just know that he was checking something on the internet, and he suddenly cursed.”
“Dae, you’re laptop has been opened right? Connect to the internet, you know what to search.”
“Neh hyung!” Dae act as instructed and immediately search with one name that can really make their cool leader go nuts. The remaining three instantly surrounded their member, curios to what causes their leader to throw some fire.

His urge to burn the whole internet world keeps increasing as he reads every comment. He knows he shouldn’t do this as this just adds fuel to the fire, but he just can’t stop himself from doing so. His members informed him more than an hour ago that they will just swim and have a little tour and even asked him to cool down, but he just can’t --Not until he ensures that every netizen who saw the picture has been blind, and murdered who ever think and execute that concept.
He was still engrossed on his imaginary killing session with every racy commenter when the room was filled with the first verse of Please be My Baby that immediately grab his attention.
“YAH! AHN SOHEE Why you didn’t tell me that the photoshoot you’ll do involve a see through mini dress and sexy pose???”
“So, Oppa, this is the reason behind the 30 missed calls for three hours and a voicemail with an angry voice saying Ahn Sohee! Call me once you take notice that someone has been dying while making this call!. Oppa! You’re really funny hahahahaha”
“Don’t laugh at me! I’m really mad. Why you didn’t complain when they asked you to post like that! Or even when they asked you to wear that mini dress! Now every person on the internet saw your body, I should be the only one who can see that! THAT IS A PROPERTY OF MY EYES!”
“Yah! Kwon JiYong! Don’t say things like that! People might misunderstand! And since when my body become the property of your eyes???!”
“Since you said yes to me missy! Since that day, everything you own is partially owned by me and vice versa. So that means your body is mine too!”
“I said don’t mention things like thar, people might misunderstanddddd!!!”
“I don’t care! That is much better so all of commenter will know that I can sue them for looking at your picture and thinking of other things. I should be the only one to see that, I am the owner of that!!! Next time I will ask JYP hyung to let Seungri manage your schedule!”
“Aigoo, Someone’s mad right now.” Sohee said in a sweet sing sang voice.
“Yah! Ahn Sohee, don’t use that sweet tone on me. And yes, someone’s really mad right now. I don’t like those pictures!”
“Oppa! Don’t you think you’re harsh? I did a photoshoot wherein I wear a hot pants which is more showy that what I wear but you did not react as crazily as you did now” she said in an aegyo voice
“Don’t remind me that! I also don’t like your outfit on that photoshoot!! Tomorrow I will contact JYP Hyung and asked him to let Seungri handles your entire schedule!”
“I love you Kwon Ji Yong!”
“Yah! I told you don’t—“
“Okay, I won’t tell you that I love you again!” she said in a teasing voice
“Not that one! What I mean is--”
“What? You said that I shouldn’t said it”
“Not that one! Don’t manipulate me Nabi”
“I did not! I just wanted to say I love you is that bad?” her tone changed again to a charming and sincere one.
“No, of course! And you know I love you too right?” he said in a soft and sincere tone
“Neh! So can we forget that you just got mad a while ago?”
A smile visibly shown in his lips, he gave up. He can never win an argument with his Nabi, especially when she’s this charming – over the phone.
“Oppa! You are not mad anymore right? My Kwon JiYong is not mad now” the teasing tone is back again that he can’t really help but control his giggles.
 “Araso! I am not mad anymore okay? But—“
“No buts! Okay?”
“Araso, Araso! You should be happy that this Kwon JiYong loves you so much”
“Of Course! I love the possessive Kwon Ji Yong!”
The call ended 30 minutes after wherein Sohee informed him that Sunmi reached the apartment and they will have dinner outside.
The end of the call is exactly the time in which the rest of the Bigbang members on the way to their room.

Everyone can feel that their hotel room suddenly feels brighter.
And before they can even go to their leader’s room, the door opened and a smiling JiYong appears.
“Ji! You’re okay now?” Taeyang asked
“Much better! What did you do outside?”
“Swimming! And some strolls around the hotel. You already talked to her?”
“Yes.” Another smile was visible on JiYong’s face.
“So you’re not mad anymore because of the photoshoot?” TOP asked.
“No. I am okay now.”
“Really hyung??? So it’s okay if I will look at the photos again? Sohee’s really sexy on that pictorial”
Seungri said before he can even think what his saying.
The room suddenly feels gloomy again, and a murderous stare immediately appear from the eye smile he had seconds ago.
“I said I am okay with Sohee’s photoshoot, but did not say I am okay with you checking on her pictures!” JiYong said to the now statue like Seungri who finally realized what his mouth did.
“Neh Hyung!” he said like a puppy.
“Good!” Ji said in an ice cold voice before going back to his room.

“Thank you hyung” Daesung whispered to TOP who was now silently laughing to the statue like Panda.
He’s really glad that TOP immediately pinch him before he can gave his opinion, which is not different from what their maknae said. If his hyung a second slower, he probably in Seungri’s place right now.

I just learned from Hi Kpop that Bigbang adorable Maknae, Lee SeungRi created a twitter account this week.

And him, being the maknae we know and adore, he announced to the world that he just created a twitter account, and immediately claimed his identity by sending tweet to a fake account. He's so cute! ^^

He just made my day :P (which also means that I will have trouble sleeping again haha)
I really admire Baby Ri's character ^^ and this is definitely one of the things I love about him. Who among the Kpop Idol's can do what he just did? 
I am happy that JiYoung created an account, but it is really different from how Baby Ri's did it. I can really say WOW! FANTASTIC BABY ^^

P.S. Since I am so happy, I also tweet him with faith that he will read every tweets that he received. Well, there is a great chance that he does that, he wouldn't be called as Bigbang king of fanservice and Public Relations for nothing :P

Aish! I should really save this year so I can see him again ^^

I love 2PM and Jay Park, and their scandal really make me sad. (I thank heaven's because that time I wasn't that much of a fan, or else I will feel really broken hearted and that will lead to series of Ellen's uncalled dramatic moments that it's better to be hidden)

I like their songs, I have all of their album and I really went to Jay Park's meet and greet when he came to the Philippines last May :P But if I will put them to scale of my favorite boy groups, they are 3rd, after Bigbang, while Shinhwa's taking the first spot. Though I can immediately say that, there is one thing that makes me wonder at times :P 2PM's Only You is the only Kpop song that can make me feel that can give me an eerie feeling, something that makes me feel that I am in love, and it's weird actually. I feel nervous, my heart keeps beating as if my crush is in front of me. I can't explain it, but this is the only song that can make me crazy just by listening to it and mind you, it can give me this feeling while I am listening in front of a computer. T.T

This unexplained feeling is not new, since I felt this a lot of times like:

  • When I first heard Shinhwa's song on their The Return Album
  • When I first listen to Lie's and Haru Haru 
  • When I heard that Bigbang will have a concert in the Philippines
I felt it many times, but they are not consistent (except when I remember that I met and attended Bigbang's concert). But on this song, I really felt erratic heart beats that I promised myself I will sing this one day to my future boyfriend. It's crazy actually how this song can really make me feel all of this. Maybe because 2PM voices and this song's are a perfect fit and I am a bit nostalgic of everything.

It's crazy and I don't really know if other people feels this, but I think Only You have this magic that is so soothing to the ears and suddenly makes your heart beats unnaturally. But I can only feel this whenever I listen to Only You with the original 7 members :) I like the new one too, wherein they split up Jay's part, but I really can't feel this in-explainable feeling to that version, and I think it's because it's missing Jay's voice. I am not saying it's the only thing that lack, it is just like when you eat a really delicious cake that you really love, and one day the baker didn't put all the same ingredients, you still love the cake, it is still exceptionally delicious but you know something is missing and it will be much perfect it the certain ingredients will be put back :P

A/N: This is a year late post :P but my mind suddenly flooded by words related to it so here is the result :)

Every Filipino's knows/ have an idea on what a Jejemon is, or atleast those who are living in the Philippines.
It actually have its own wikipedia entry and a page, named >.<

I do not care what their fashion statement is, or how they talk or walk. I wouldn't even joined the group who wanted them to kill them (as if they really can do it :P).
But like every non-jejemon's complaint, I cannot understand

  • their rule of adding H or using random vowels and numbers on their word or worst replacing it with these. (who ever said this rule should be condemned, it is not easy reading the unwanted characters)
  • why they need to lengthen their words (maybe I am just lazy, but I do not like typing additional letters when I say ako to akoh or accu)
  • them, using this way of writing as their statement (guys, believe me it only prove one thing, and that is you cannot spell correctly)

Though I do not appreciate them, my lovely best friend and some of the previous essays and comments reminds me that at one point in my past, I have the mild jeje virus.

I used to do the following:
  • Change the word ako to 'aq' or ko to 'q'
  • Change the word kasi to kz
  • And some other words that somehow the basis of the Jeje virus 
Though I have a good reason that time, which is to shorten the message since SMS is so costly back in early 2000 where I was a high school student and unlimited promo are not yet invented by marketing or communications head of Telecommunications Company.

But that is a mere excuse because I do not text that way when I was in grade 6. I just change it when I was in high school because every one text-ed that way, and being the always awkward teen, I wanted to fit it. I hate to be tagged as the miss goody two shoes and wanted to prove that I am like them, and do not stick to the rules.

Looking back, I can say that my friends and batch mate will agree with me that they all been into Jejemon Phase before. A phase where in you wanted to fit it since that is the in thing. Like a time where most girls of my class went to school with Jesse's one sided pony tail and fake eye glass. And I hope this Jejemon thing will just be a fad, and will soon rub off so children and teens will realize that looking and sounding smart is a big factor aside from being really smart.

For all the proud Jeje out there and doesn't realize that they need to change their proud way of life in the near future, I just wish you will soon realize that this phase needs to be ended soon because the thing you do daily can be a habit, and they cannot easily be rubbed off.

October 24.
After years of stalking and being a VIP at home, I finally see them, live, in flesh, not in-front of a television or any box.
I actually planned to post this after the concert, but I know I wouldn't able to put anything since my mind is in haze so I decided to wait for a few more days to gather my sanity.
Two days passed, but I still have my bigbang post concert syndrome.

My friends and I sit in Lowerbox L204 and most of them stood right in front of our row. Imagine how happy we are to see their precious faces staring and smiling at us. My mom would say that I pay so much but it was all worth it. Gosh, if there is one thing I regret, it is not buying their concert ticket earlier so that I have the chance to catch GD's jacket or feel the droplet of waters those crazy guys throw at everyone :D

While sitting there -or may I say standing and sitting for just a minute or so, my respect for them grew bigger. BIGBANG ARE GREAT LIVE SINGERS! The high notes, the tempo, everything is so smooth that you will wonder if they are singing live because it sound like I am playing their albums.

The stage is great :) Though I would really watch their concert in Korea one day because I know it will be much wonderful. But I am really satisfied on how it looks, more than satisfied actually.

If there is one thing that stood out for me the most while watching them, it is the proof (in front of my face) how different they are musicality, face value and everything else.

  • Kwon Ji Yong
    • Jiyong is indeed their Kwon Leadah :) The one and only. I always saw him looking at us and the whole arena with a calm and reflecting look. He just stood there at the corner for almost 10 minutes while the other are being so oh crazy. I am assuming that he is amaze on how wide their music reached. He is on a country that doesn't know how to speak English, but here are the crowds singing their songs as if it's their second language.
    • Jiyong is the most serious when it comes to their musicality. It really shows on the concert, in his own way, he guide his members and let them stand out. I would never ever ever forget how his boyish charm looks live. He is SOOOOOO handssooommmeeee!
  • Kang Daesung
    • If there is one thing this concert prove to me, it is the fact that Dae Dae is super cutteeee!! I really wanted to take him home haha. I know it's a common judgement, that on the terms of looks, Daesung always takes the last place. But while watching him being so cute and kind, he is so cuttee! I really think that Seungri is the cutest one, but I was wrong. 
    • Through out the whole concert, You will easily notice that Dae Dae is the second maknae. He have this well behave youth charm that you can easily notice that he is one of the youngest members, he is like the middle child. Oh so nice, oh so cute. And he's voice is so freaking awesomee! 
  • Dong Youngbae
    • Goodness gracious! Taeyang really have an face of an angel and a body made for sin! I saw him strip twiceeee! And his body is soo damn hot. I just don't like his hairstyle, I keep remembering the character Mang Kepwing, from Philippine folklores. 
    • I was wondering through out the whole concert if his hipbone is still in place. He keeps on grinding that I wonder if he works for strip clubs haha XD
    • My friend told me that she was surprised that Taeyang is one of the PR peeps of Bigbang. He keeps talking with Seungri and make sure that everyone is communicating :P
    • I really amaze when he sang Wedding Dress! I though he wouldn't so I was so happpyyy <3
    • He is a good balancer too, we saw him slip and he suddenly do a tumbling to gain his balance. My bestfriend and I though he should be with the acrobat 2PM, the built, the dancing ability and the abs! Haha
  • Choi Seunghyun
    • TOP! Oh So TOP! Haha the crowd screams the most whenever T.O.P will sing or say something. I wanted to think that most of the people are TOP fans but I am sure every one is doing that to encourage him to speak.
    • He is SO HANDSOME! The prince type of handsome that I wanted to suddenly become a damsel in distress.
    • I am so happy that he make a heart gesture to everyone! He really know how to make our sanity disappears.
    • I saw BINGU TOP live which I will never forgeeet! He wear the cute ribbon headband, rap while wearing it and playing with his eyes. He is so handsome, that I actually teared up looking at him.
    • TOP is the crazy hyung, he kick Daesung water bottle and pour the whole bottle to Daesung! <3
    • He also tap Seungri's head because that crazy baby re-enact his famous finger gesture on lie haha.
  • Lee Seunghyun
    • He is not photogenic. The camera's didn't give justice to his precious handsome face.
    • I never doubt that he is good with PR ever since GD said it, but MY! he's really great at public relations! He keeps saying English words haha 'FREAKING EXCITING!" really stood out.
    • You can easily see that he is the maknae. He is so naughty XD
    • He really pick up almost everything that thrown at him. I really love it when he pick up the Panda stuff toy, put it in the center of the stage, sit with it while singing and took a picture of it. He is so playful. We found it funny when he also pick up the giant crayon air toy. He hold it while gesturing the crowd to go left and right. My bestfriend and I think that he will go to upper body nude Taeyang and used it to color him or go to GD and tap it to him. 
    • He is so playful.
My bestfriend told me that their voice are really distinct to each other, you can easily determined who sings what but it was amazing that they can blend it properly. I told her that it is all because Seungri:) His voice is like a glue to ensure that everything will fit properly. I am more of a Jiyong biased but I believed that a credit should be given when it needed. 

I am happy, I am overjoyed actually.
Seing them in front of me, singing the songs I keep playing in times of sadness nor just another crazy day makes me really happy.
I didn't have a camera to record everything because it got confiscated while I was going to the arena, but I enjoyed myself more. Mainly because I did not need to worry if I am recording it good. I can shout and be crazy without so much worry, though I just wished that I have a high end phone so i can take some pictures :P

The whole concert is so amazing. I am really happy that all my angst and not so good mood about the venue disappears.

My sanity really disappears when they said "Mahal ko Kayo", "Salamat", they love the place and they will definitely come back. I hope they really enjoyed the Pinoy crowd and somehow we manage to stand out among the other country they have went to. I really love it when they keep saying Manila Baby in tune of Fantastic Baby.

I will watch again next time. They are so addicting and ensure that I will be in VIP mode.
I still have my post concert mode and suddenly laugh and feel giddy whenever I remember them :P

P.S. I will buy the ALIVE TOUR IN MANILA 2012 DVD when they release it :D

I've been waiting this day ever since I heard they will have a concert here.
I actually plan to go to the airport but my schedule wouldn't allow it :(
So in my own crazy fan girl way, I've been tweeting regarding their arrival. My officemate saw how crazy I've been and keep on inhaling because I really think I might suffer from hyperventilation.

I can't wait for October 24 :P

I was at the end of May.
My amazing brain wanted to have some screwed analysis and realization of my relationship towards people that has been so dear to me.
To say that I was lost was an understatement.
I do considered myself as a hopeless romantic; I do believe if fate, true love and other things that people sometimes said a word/belief out of a crap. And I think this is the main reason why I've been worried about something.

Three days ago, I realize something and I just can't help but laugh.
I realize that this someone doesn't have a feelings for me more than friend, he is like that because

  1. We are too close
  2. I let him do it

My best friend warned me several times that I lost counting, yet as hardheaded as I can be, I just categorize everything under the label 'friends'.
Boys will always be boys, though I know they have great respect to me as their friend and almost a younger sister, their biological blue print will always be summarize by the phrase I said. They will reciprocate what's given to them and sometimes a bit more touchy or sweeter that people misunderstands.

I won't deny the fact that I do have a crush on him and just hide it under the word "confusion" and "rhetorical scenario's", two concept I loved to use as my shield. Though I know that these things also happens because of I am so comfortable to him that I didn't think much of the things and just go with it and my romantic obsessive imagination.

I think I did have some crazy infatuation with him, and I realize today that I don't have a feeling for him the way I assume I have. I learned from the past months that I shouldn't trust my over analysis brain so much on the things that didn't happen yet. Everything is a product of my eagerness to have a love life, and being the available guy who meet the basic character that I imagined eons ago.

I am happy as a pig in mud.
I've sorted things out, and I can act like the normal Cleng :) So crazy and lively but this time, with lesser sugary sweet treatment.

I've been feeling down for that past week, though it wasn't as bad as before, I am not happy that I feel pathetic again. I know things would't be okay instantly, it will take time and effort and for someone like me who can't feel okay with the thoughts that I can do more should make a plan.

Maybe this blog entry is just an excuse; an excuse for me to commit myself on the things I wanted to change.

Today, I promise myself to

  • Not feel bad about the things that wouldn't come my way. It won't be easy but I wouldn't let my inner brat to come over my senses.
  • I will make new friends
  • Spend my time wisely. I will do something for improvement everyday.
  • Not to compare things, I am my own identity. They can be my inspiration, but I shouldn't feel down because it wouldn't help me.
  • Not to demand so much from my friends, they have their own life, so does I. I need to learn how to be independent again, emotionally.
  • I will jog everyday and start exercising.
  • I will find a goal that I can commit so I will find more meaning of life.
  • Be happy and give happiness
It won't be easy, as change is something we cannot do overnight. But I know everything will pay off I day.

I don't want to wake up one day that I missed so many things because I am afraid. I wanted to be the person who my future self will be thankful for.

I am a not a loser, and I never intended to be one :)
September has been good to me, and I know you will be awesome.
There are things I look forward to this month.

1. Bigbang Alive Tour Concert XD

I've been wanting this to happen since I become a VIP, and this month one of my fangirl dreams will come true.  Finally after years and months of waiting, I will see them in flesh and I don't care if they are so tiny or I cannot hold them. Just the fact that I will be in the same area, and the air that we will be breath will be the same, is enough for me to be ultimately happy

2. End of my two years role

This one is a surprise that I received last September.  
I don't expect this to be easy, I need to do so many documents and transition plan but hey, this is the thing I have been waiting for. I wouldn't weep because it's difficult, I am actually excited because I can see some new steps from me and what ever happens, I have the experience. It's been years from the time I have this amazing mixed emotions that I want to shout in glee. 

This one also mark a new beginning, and I am excited to have this.

Nasa ikatlong taon ako ng mataas na paaralan ng una kong mabasa ang sanaysay na Miliminas. Katulad ng lahat ng estudyante, napakadaming babasahin, istorya at iba't ibang uri ng panitikan ang aking nabasa. Ngunit sa lahat ng iyon, ang sanaysay na ito ang bukod tanging natatatandaan ko, isang malaking rason ay dahil sa pinahihiwatig nito.

Hindi ko na alam kung ginagamit pa rin ito ng mga guro sa ikatlong taon, ngunit kung ako ang masusunod, sisiguraduhin kong lahat ng bata ay mababasa ito. Hindi nga lang bata, mas masaya siguro kung mababasa ito ng mga tao sa Gobyerno.

(Sanaysay / Hiligaynon)
Salin ni Ruby V. Gamboa-Alcantara mula sa
“Miliminas : Tuig 0069” ni Nilo Par. Pamonag

Miliminas, ito ang pangkat ng mga pulo na matatagpuan sa kalagitnaan ng Dagat Pasipiko bago pa nagkaroon ng malaking pagbaha. Ang pangkat na ito ng mga pulo ay binubuo ng higit sa pitong libo at dalawang daang mga pulo.

Ang Miliminas, ito ang tawag sa mga mamamayan ng nasabing kapuluan, ay katulad rin natin ang mga balat at hitsura. Ang kanilang pananalita ay tulad rin sa atin. Ngunit dahilan sa nahuhuli sila sa sibilisasyon may mga pag-uugali sila at pagsasalita na kabila rin sa atin.

Mik ang tawag sa kanilang pera. At ang tawag nila sa isang taong mayroong isang milyon na mik, o sobra pa, ay mikinaryo. Sa pagbibihis, malaki ang pagkakaiba natin sa kanila. Ang kanilang tawag sa pormal na damit para sa mga babae ay ang katumbas sa atin ngayon ng bathing suitat kamiseta at korto para naman sa mga lalaki.

Para mapangalagaan ang kanilang moralidad sa pagbibihis, may batas silang ipinapatupad na hulihin ang sinumang magdaramit ng mahaba pa sa mini-skirt at micro-mini-skirt.
Ang upuan sa kanilang mga sasakyan ay nilalagyan ng kiluhan upang masukat ang timbang ng mga pasahero dahil ito ang pagbabatayan ng kanilang pamasahe. Ito ang tinatawag ng kanilang Public Diservice Commission na equality before the kilo.

Tungkol naman sa pamamalakad ng trapiko ay may ordinansa sila na nagpaparusa sa mabagal magpatakbo. Ang kasalanan ng mabagal magpatakbo ay tinatawag na not overspeeding.

Mayroon din silang serbisyo sa tubig na tinatawag nanawasdak. Ang ahensyang ito ay may tatlong uri ng tubo. Ang una ay nilalabasan ng malinis na tubig; ang ikalawa ay nilalabasan ng maruming tubig; at ang ikatlo, walang tubig kundi hangin lamang. Nakapagtataka? Ito ang pag-uuri ng quatwasdak *, ang gripo na may malinis na tubig ay mahal ang bayad, para sa mayaman lamang; ang may maruming tubig, para sa lahat ng marunong magtrabaho o kung mayaman naman, gustong magtrabaho; at ang pangatlo, para sa mga mahirap at ito ay walang bayad.

Mayroon ding nagmomonopolyo ng koryente. Ito ang Patay Electric Company. Tatlo rin ang ang uri ng serbisyo nito sa publiko. Ito anglight service, brown out service at black out service. Ang light service ay magbibigay ng ilaw sa araw at gabi. Ang brown out service ay nagbibigay ng ilaw kung hindi mo kailangan at mawawala kung kailangan mo ng ilaw sa pagkain ng hapunan at pagbabasa kung gabi. Kung gusto mo lang ng pangdekorasyon, ang dapat mong ipakabit ay iyong black out service.

Ang mga sidewalk sa kanilang lungsod ay higit na malalapad kaysa sa atin. Bakit nga ba? Ang dahilan ay sapagkat ang mga bazaar ang umuukupa ng mga sidewalk at ang mga nagtitinda ng sigarilyo at kung anu-ano ang siyang umuukupa ng mga kuwartu-kuwarto na kung sa atin ngayon ng mga bazaar sa mga bazaar. At sabihin pa, ang mga may-ari ng mgabazaar ang hinuhuli ng mga pulis sa kanilang pagtitinda sa mga sidewalk.

Ang mga opisyal sa bansa na tumaba habang sila ay nasa serbisyo ay pinapatawan ng sala o akusasyon sa kanilang mga resolution,genuine na mga batas, at iba pa.

Upang mapagkatiwalaan ang mga mataas na opisyal ng bansa, itinatag ang anti-genuine commission para sa paghuli ng mga nagpaparami ng pag-aari o tumatanggap ng mga lagay na genuine, tulad nggenuine na resolutions, genuine na pera, genuine na batas, at iba pa.

Ang pinakamalaking tindahan ay tinatawag na super blackmarket. May pintura itong itim. Dito ipinagbibili ang mga bagay na ngayon ay ipinagbabawal tulad ng blusil na sigarilyo, apyan, mga bagay na ninakaw, at mga ipinagbibiling pekeng bagay. Ang mga genuine na bagay ay ipinagbibili nang patago at tigkakaunti lamang dahil lagging hinuhuli ng mga alagad ng katiwalian ang nagbebenta ng mga ito at kinukumpiska pa ang kanilang mga paninda. Katiwalian ang tawag nila sa kanilang batas, at ang nagpapatupad nito ay tinatawag nilang alagad ng katiwalian.

Ang mga baril ng mga alagad ng katiwalian ay paltik. Dahil sa ang nag-aari ng lisensyadong baril ay hinuhuli at pinapatawan ng salangillegal possession of genuine firearm.

Sa panahong ito ay uso rin ang kickback na kaunti lang ang ikinaiba sa ating tinatawag na kickback ngayon. Ang mga buwaya ng bansa (ito ang tawag sa mga mataas na opisyal sa pamahalaan) ay sinisipa sa likod para sa bawat gatas o milk na tanggaping suhol sa kanyang mga transaksyon. Ang mga buwaya ng bansa ay tumitigil sa pagpapasipa kapag makapal na ang kanilang likod dahil ito ang magiging isang batayan sa pagpili ng isang outstanding buwaya of the year.

Dalawang klase ng batas ang ipinalabas ng kanilang batasan na tinatawag na Circus of Miliminas. Ang isang batas ay para sa mga mayaman at ang isa ay para sa mahirap.

Ang mga alagad ng bansa ay maliit lang ang sweldo pero malaki naman ang kanilang maaaring gastusing representasyon.

Ang mga mamamayan ng Miliminas ay masyadong relihiyoso. Tatlo ang paborito nilang mga santo – ang mik (ang pera mismo), angbuwaya, at si Santasa, isang taong may sungay at buntot katulad ng tinatawag natin ngayong satanas. Ang pinakamalaking kasalanang magagawa ay ang hindi pagpatay, hindi pagtataksil sa asawa at hindi pag-angkin sa yaman ng iba, pagkaawa sa mga mahirap at hindi pagbibigay ng ano mang hingin sa kanila ng mga buwaya ng bansa.

Ang mga malaking transaksyon ng pamahalaan ay pinagkakasunduan sa ilalim ng puno, at tinatawag nila itong shady transactions. Ang iba naman ay binubuo sa ilalim ng mga mesa ng mga opisyal na pamahalaan. Dahil dito ang mga mesa ay matataas para hindi mauntog ang ulo ng mga opisyal kapag sumusuot sila sa ilalim nito.

Ang mga hues de pas natin ngayon ay tinatawag nila na hues depaupas. Parang nakakatawa, ano? Pero iyan ang katotohanan. At isa pang nakakataka, ang ginuguwardyahan ay ang mga walang kasalanan. Bakit ganoon ang pamamalakad ng hustisya rito? Iyan ang batas. At ang balak ay mapili ng hues de paupas kung sinu-sino sa mga mamamayan ang palaaway at eskandaloso at sino ang mababait. Pagkatapos ng bista at bumaba na ang hatol, ibinibilanggo ang mga walang sala upang ihiwalay sa maraming mga nakalalayang masasamang tao. Sabihin pa, malalaki ang bilangguan dito at kumpleto sa mga kasangkapan kaysa sa labas. Ang lahat ng bilanggo ay tinatawag na VIP (Very Important Prisoner).

Kung tungkol sa sistema ng pagpili ng mga opisyal, ibang-iba sa atin. Simula pa ng kampanya magkakaharap ng entablado ng magkakakalaban sa pulitika. Nagbabatuhan ng putik. Sa atin ngayon angmudslinging ay pasaring lamang sa mga talumpati samantalang sa kanila ay talagang ginagawa. Ang bawat kandidato ay dapat magsinungaling, magmura, mambato ng putik sa kalaban, mangako ng mga hindi matutupad, dahil kung hindi niya ito gagawin ay pawawalan ng bisa ang kanyang kandidatura ng Komisyon ng Kalokohan, ang ahensya na namamahala sa eleksyon. Sa araw ay namimili rin ang tao ng iboboto kahit na ang isinusulat sa balota ay hindi na nila pinag-iisipan. Ang iniisip nila ay ang naipon na bala ng mga kandidato, at mga napatay ng kanilang mga kampon, at may pinakamaraming pera. Ang kanilang ibinoto ay tinatawag na ibinoto sa bala at hindi ibinoto sa balota.
Ang mga pulitiko at ang kanilang mga kampon ay hindi natatakot mapatay at pumatay sa panahon ng kampanya at eleksyon dahilan sa kanilang paniniwalang ito ang magdadala sa kanilang kaluluwa sa impyerno kung saan mabubuhay sila nang maligaya kasama siSantasa, ang kanilang paboritong santo.

Ang eleksyon ay tuwing ikalawang taon. Kung gayon ay masasabi natin na madaling maubos ang mga mamamayan rito kung madali ang patayan sa panahon ng eleksyon. Subalit nababawi rin ito ng imbensyon ng isang bantog na baliw (ito ang tawag nila sa kanilang mga henyo) na nakabuo ng isang tableta na kung iinumin ng mag-asawa ay magkakaanak ang babae ng tinatawag na instant baby, na ipinagbubuntis sa loob lamang ng dalawampu’t apat na oras.

Napakadali ng pagpapalit-palit ng kapangyarihan sa Miliminas. Patuloy din ang pag-iral ng mga bayang kontento na sa klase ng pamamalakad dito na sa ngayong panahon ay masasabing kabaligtaran ng mga pangyayari. Ipinagmamalaki pa ng mga mataas ang katungkulan sa pamahalaan ang pagsasamantala sa kabuhayan ng mga mamamayan. Ang bagong Milimino, ang mga bayaning gumagala sa kapuluan, sila ang magigitng na tumanggap ng mga papuri na maririnig mo sa bibig ng nakaraang administrasyon. At sino ang kanilang pinatutungkulan? Ang pinatutungkulan nila ng mga papuri ay ang mga ismagler, mga namomorsiyento, mga kickback artist, mga mayaman na nang-aapi sa mga mahirap, mga nang-aagaw ng lupa ng may lupa, mga alagad ng katiwalian na nang-aabuso sa mga mamamayan, mga hues de paupas at mga pislak (piskal) na hindi tumitingin sa kislap ng espada ng katarungan, at timbangan ng katotohanan kundi tumitingin sa kalansing ng pilak at timbangan ng malalakas at maykapangyarihan, mga walang ginagawa sa bayan kundi aksayahin ang kaban ng bansa na sa halip na gamitin ang kanilang katungkulan sa pagsisilbi sa publiko ay ginagamit pa ito sa pangangamkam ng yaman.

Ang ilan sa mga alagad ng bayan na sa ngayon ay masasabi nating gumagawa ng mabuti ay nagtatago, nahihiya dahil pinagtatawanan sila ng kanilang mga kasamahan. Hindi lang iyan, kinukutya pa sila, at kung mahuli ng kanilang hepe, ay kinagagalitan pa at inaalis sa trabaho.
May ilang kabataan na malawak ang pag-iisip na tumawag ng isang pulong kung saan ipinaliwanag nila ang kaibhan ng pamamahala na kanilang isinasagawa. Ang kanilang prinsipyo ay humihingi ng isang klase ng pag-uugnayan ng mga namamahala at pinamamahalaan. Noong simula ay tinatawanan lamang sila ng mga pinuno. Ngunit nang lumaon ay dumami na ang dumadalo sa kanilang pulong, bukod pa sa mga mahirap. Ipinagbawal ng pamahalaan ang pagdaraos ng pulong ng grupong ito ng mga kabataan na tinawag nilang dungis ng lipunan.
Ang simpatiya ng mga mahirap ay nakuha ng mga kabataan. At ang pagbabawal sa kalayaan ng mga ito, at nang lumaon ay pagpatay ng ilan sa kanila ang naging dahilan ng pagkagalit ng mga mayaman at ng mga may katungkulan. Sumiklab ang isang rebolusyon na lumaganap sa buong kapauluan ng Miliminas.

Bilang parusa sa kanila ng kanilang diyos na si Santasa, dumating ang isang malaking baha, nagkaroon ng malakas na paglindol hanggang sa pumutok ang isang malaking bulkan sa kailaliman ng dagat sa gitna ng kapuluan na siyang naging dahilan ng paglalaho ng Miliminas sa sanlibutan.
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